PC-8R Installation Guide Version 1.0 Rev 1.1
Avoid twis ng the wire strands, if possible as it increases the wire diameter. For smaller diameter
wires this is not such an issue.
Check that there are no loose or frayed strands once a wire is screwed into a terminal.
Install the main fuse last, a er installing the PC
8R and making all electrical connec ons.
Never make PC
8R connec ons with the main fuse installed.
For J3 and J4 we recommend suppor ng the screw terminal against twis ng when ghtening
the screw to clamp the wire.
5mm to 6mm ( 1/4 “ ) is a perfect length of copper for clamping in the screw terminals.
40A applica ons require the use of all power connec ons on J3. Use a LP JCASE type fuse rated at
VIII.30A applica ons ( or under ) can use Bussmann 12AWG ( 3mm ) inline fuse holders.
Ensure the fuses are fully inserted into clips and not bent over hi ng other fuses.
Fuses generate heat when they are incorrectly selected or close to their blow current.
Avoid pu ng rags or visor cleaning cloths on top of the fuse box. The PC
8R requires convec on
cooling to dissipate heat.
Always ensure the PC
8R is secured to the bike, to avoid unnecessary problems with connec ons.
XIII.Do not over ghten the lid. The lid is made in Japan and quite strong, but ham
fistedness could see
it damaged.
XIV.Never e cables in posi on too ghtly. Always allow some slack near connectors or entering looms.
Allowing some slack when tying cables in place helps avoid crea ng stress points and allow a degree
of vibra on damping to be carried out by the cable slack.
The switched input loop though is not to be used for more than 0.2A
XVI.There is no need to over ghten screw terminal connec ons. Hold the cable being clamped in place,
and lightly ghten the screw. Then give it one small tweak. Never use anywhere near your full
strength. For some screw terminal like J3 and J4 it is be er to support the terminal when ghtening.