PC-8R Installation Guide Version 1.0 Rev 1.1
Standard Eastern Beaver Inc. Warranty Policy
This is a return to base warranty. The customer is responsible for all shipping costs.
All implied condi ons and warran es which may by law be excluded in rela on to the supply of products or provision of
services by Eastern Beaver Inc are hereby excluded, the exclusion, of which would render the agreement incorpora ng
these Condi ons between Eastern Beaver Inc and the Customer void or voidable or Eastern Beaver Inc liable to a penalty
or which may not by the terms of relevant State Legisla on be excluded or modified, then such condi ons or warran es
shall apply.
In connec on with the supply by Eastern Beaver Inc to the Customer of any goods or services, where, any legisla on
provides for redress in the event of Eastern Beaver Inc breach of a condi on or warranty, whether statutory or otherwise,
then the Customer’s sole remedy for any such breach shall at the op on of Eastern Beaver Inc be limited to;
the replacement of Eastern Beaver Inc goods; or
the repair of Eastern Beaver Inc goods; or
refund of the purchase price of Easter Beaver Inc goods.
Eastern Beaver Inc shall not be liable for the cost of removal and reinstalla on or loss or me due to failure of a
component or system of its products other than stated in Clause II.
Subject to any provision of relevant State legisla on which may not be excluded or modified, Eastern Beaver Inc will not be
liable for any costs, claims, damages or demands arising from any personal injury, loss or damage to products whatsoever
occurring as a result of either the act or omission of Eastern Beaver Inc, its distributors or agents and in no case will
Eastern Beaver Inc be liable for consequen al loss or damage.
Subject to the provisions of this document, if systems or parts fail, supplied as new parts, within a period of 24 months of
purchase, due to faults in manufacture, these parts are warranted as per Clause II.
When returning faulty units, the Customer must provide invoice number and date, product serial number ( where applica-
ble ) and a descrip on of the product failure.
Subject to the provisions of this document, if system parts which have been Upgraded or Modified as part of an OEM
Upgrade, fail, within a period of 365 days, these parts are warranted as per Clause II.
This warranty is void if Eastern Beaver Inc determines, in its sole business judgment, the defect to be the result of abuse,
neglect, altera on, or a empted repair by unauthorized personnel.
The several clauses which cons tute or evidence this warranty shall be taken as mutually explanatory and anything
contained in one but not in another shall be equally binding as if contained in all. Any ambiguity, discrepancy or
inconsistency shall be explained by Eastern Beaver Inc upon reference thereof in wri ng to Eastern Beaver Inc by the
Customer or on discovery thereof by Eastern Beaver Inc, who shall thereupon direct the Customer as to the interpreta on
to be followed. If the Customer finds any such ambiguity, discrepancy or inconsistency he shall immediately refer it in
wri ng to Eastern Beaver Inc.
Eastern Beaver Inc shall not be liable for failure to perform its obliga ons if the failure arises from circumstances beyond
its control, including but not limited to fire, explosion, strikes, lock
outs or any other industrial disputes, failure or refusal
of its supplier to supply the goods, inclement weather, acts of God, Governmental ac on, in no such event shall the
Customer be en tled to damages of any kind for late performance or failure to perform.
Eastern Beaver Inc specifically disclaims any and all implied warranty of merchantability or of fitness for a par cular
purpose. The buyer acknowledges and agrees that in no event shall the company be liable for any special, indirect,
incidental or consequen al damages, or for injury, loss or damage sustained by any person or property, that may result
from this product failing to operate correctly at any me.