(SW VERSION 2.2.9)
Technical maintenance
UHP-1000 Satellite Routers do not require any regular maintenance throughout its lifetime.
All the parameters that are subject to change during operation (e.g. signal level, the delay
to the satellite, etc.) are automatically controlled and compensated by embedded software.
Time to time satellite routers may require updating/upgrading the software. Such updates
are just recommended by manufacturer, which is performed at the discretion of the user.
Router software
One of the key advantages of UHP-1000 satellite routers is the ability to increase its
functionality just by software updates. Software updates also include corrections of any
known bugs and improve the algorithms of the system.
The updated software can be installed in the satellite router by the user. Also, such update
can be performed by any authorized service center. In most cases, updating is carried out
remotely without the need to dismount and disable the equipment.
Information about newest software updates can be obtained from any dealer, authorized
service centers or online
3.2.1 Software boot management
EASTAR software (SW) is placed in the non-volatile memory (flash memory). For
convenience and wider capabilities the router flash memory can contain up to three different
SW versions. SW is written in the memory banks. Memory banks are numbered from 0 to 3.
Zero bank contains a loader designed for selecting of which of the banks should be
downloaded during start (other functions of the loader are inaccessible to the user). Bank
content example:
UHP# sh me fl
Bank 0: UHP boot loader Version:00010401 Length:10932 Checksum:OK
Bank 1: UHP TDMA software Version:00020203 Length:342852 Checksum:OK
Bank 2: UHP TDMA software Version:00020101 Length:247972 Checksum:OK
Bank 3: UHP Test software Version:00020011 Length:243312 Checksum:FAILED!
Default load bank - 1
The boot loader, when the router is started, selects which of the SW banks to download and
which configuration profile to use for SW operation.
Default action – list through the banks in sequence and download the first bank in which SW
will be with the correct checksum, having used the zero configuration profile.
You can change the loader behavior by specifying directly the number of the bank which
should be used to start SW, and the configuration profile number.
When the router SW is updated you have the possibility of verification of the new SW
performance without finally transiting to it. To do so, you can start new SW once and if
there are any problems (e.g. Hub communication is unavailable), the router will in some
time reboot back to the old SW or in any case or if it failed to establish communication with
the Hub. This procedure is named fallback. If, when working with the temporary SW, the
router is overloaded with user’s activities it will also get loaded in the main SW.
To implement this fallback mechanism, you have to specify which bank should be used to
download the main SW from and which - the temporary SW.