Xiamen Comfort Science & Technology Co.,Ltd
产 品 维 修 手 册
Maintenance Service Manual
voltage specification
By the Easepal`s Customer Service Dept.
Страница 1: 厦门蒙发利科技有限公司 Xiamen Comfort Science Technology Co Ltd 产 品 维 修 手 册 Maintenance Service Manual 产品型号 MODEL EC 385A 适用电压规格 voltage specification 220 240V 蒙发利集团 客服 By the Easepal s Customer Service Dept ...
Страница 2: ...坏 Main PCB failed 更换保险丝 Replace Fuse 更换电源盒 Replace Power Box 更换电源滤波器 Replace EMC Board 更换中心板 Replace main PCB 01 开机无功能 No function B 手控器有显示 LCD HAS Vision 机械开关坏掉 或是机械开关的线材断开 Mechanical switch failed or the wire of it broken 上下行程光电坏 Up or Down sensor of photo electricity was failed 中心板坏掉 Main PCB failed 开机直揉捏其他按键无效 No response from other buttons except the kneading function 更换机械开关或是线材 replace Mecha...
Страница 3: ... the main PCB 03 不行走 NO Rolling 端 子 或 是 线 材 接 触 不 良 Terminals or Wires Poorly Contact 上 下行程光电组件坏 Subassembly of the UP Down sensor Photo electricity Failed 行走电机坏 Rolling Motor Failed 中心板坏 Main PCB failed 将端子接插到位或是更换线材 Plug the terminal well or replace the wires 更换上 下行程组件 Replace the Subassemblies of UP Down sensor 更换机芯 Replace gear box 更换中心板 Replace main PCB 04 不揉捏 No kneading 中心板端子没插到位或是线材接 触不良 T...
Страница 4: ...or replace the wires 更换手控器 Replace the controller 07 不升倒背 Backrest can t recline or lift 电动推杆连接线未接插到位 The terminal of reclining actuator and wires are poorly connected 电动推杆坏 The electrically operated pusher failed 中心板坏 Main PCB failed 将连接线接插到位 Plug the terminal well 更换电动推杆 Replace the reclining actuator 更换中心板 Replace main PCB 08 小腿不能升降 calves rest can t lift or recline 电动推杆连接线未接插到位 The terminal of...
Страница 5: ... the air discharge of inflator valves and wires are poorly connected 泄气阀坏 The air discharge of inflator valves failed 气 泵 坏 The inflator pump failed 中心板坏 Main PCB failed 将端子接好 Plug the terminal well 更换泄气阀 Replace the air discharge of inflator valves 更换气泵 Replace the inflator pump 更换中心板 Replace the main PCB 13 小腿不伸缩 no extending or shrinking of the calves rest 端子接触不良 The terminals and wires are poo...
Страница 6: ...rly connected 检查端子是否有 24V 输出 The output voltage is not 24VAC 检查喇叭是否损坏 The loudspeaker OK or not 音频版坏 The music PCB failed 将端子接好 Plug the terminal well 无输出为中心板坏 Replace the main PCB if no voltage output 更换喇叭 Replace the loudspeaker 更换音频版 Replace the music PCB ...
Страница 7: ...the PCB before please make sure your body is connected with the ground 1 开机无功能 No function 是 上下行程组件端子线是否连接好 Check the terminals of Up and Down Stroke Subassembly connected well 检查上下行程组件 是否损坏 Check the UP DOWN Stroke Subassembly 连接好端子线 Touch well 更换上下行程组件 Replace the UP or DOWN Stroke 宽度检测板是否坏 Check the width board 更换中心板 Replace Main PCB 更换宽度检测板 Replace the width board 液晶片是否显示 Does LCD has display ...
Страница 8: ... board 更换宽度检测板 Replace the width inspection 更换中心板 Replace Main PCB 检查行走电机连接线是否与中心板连接好 Check the terminals of rolling motor wire with main PCB connected securely 将连接线接好 Touch well 检查行走电机是否损坏 Check the rolling motor 更换机芯 Replace gear box 更换中心板 Replace the Main PCB OK NG NG OK NG OK NG 检查上下行程组件是否损坏 Check the UP or DOWN Stroke Subassembly 更换上下行程组件 Replace the UP or DOWN Stroke subassembly NG OK OK ...
Страница 9: ... terminals of Kneading motor wire with main PCB connected securely 将连接线接好 Touch well 检查行走电机是否损坏 Check the Kneading motor 更换机芯 Replace gear box 宽度检测板是否损坏 Check width Inspection board 更换宽度检测板 Replace the width inspection NG OK NG OK NG OK 检查行走电机连接线是否与中心板连接好 Check the terminals of Tapping motor wire with main PCB connected securely NG OK NG OK 更换中心板 Replace the Main PCB ...
Страница 10: ... remote controller wire and main PCB connected securely 检查导电橡胶是否损坏 Check the conductive rubber 更换手控器 Replace the remote controller 将连接线接好 Touch well 更换导电橡胶 Replace it 检查电动推杆连接线与中心板是否连接好 The terminals of their actuator with main PCB connected securely 检查电动推杆是否损坏 Check the actuator 更换中心板 Replace the main PCB 将连接线接好 Touch well 更换电动推杆 Replace it OK NG NG OK NG OK NG OK ...
Страница 11: ... connected securely 更换中心板 Replace the main PCB 将连接线接好 Touch well 检查振动电机是否损坏 Check the print motor 更换振动电机 Replace print motor 检查座部泄气阀连接线是否与中心板连接好 Check the terminals of snuffle valve for bags with main PCB connected securely 检查泄气阀是否损坏 Check the snuffle valve 将连接线接好 Touch well 检查气泵连接线是否与中心板连接好 Check the terminals of inflator pump with main PCB connected securely 更换泄气阀 Replce snuffle valve 将连接线接好 Tou...
Страница 12: ...n PCB 检查小腿连接板端子是否与中心板是否连接好 Check the terminals of legrest with main PCB connected securely 将连接线接好 Touch well 检查小腿内光电组件是否损坏 Check the electric Subassembly 更换中心板 Replace the main PCB 更换光电组件 Replace it 检查小腿电机接线是否连接好 Check the terminals of motor 将连接线接好 Touch well 检查小腿电机是否损坏 Check the motor of legrest 更换电机 Replace it OK NG NG OK NG NG OK OK NG OK ...
Страница 13: ... 侧板的拆卸 Disassembly of the side board 20 11 手控器的更换 Replace the remove control 21 12 坐垫的拆卸 Disassembly of the seat pad 22 13 座侧按摩器的拆卸 Disassembly of the side seat massage 23 14 更换前挡板 Replace Front board 24 15 更换靠背 座部 小腿电动推杆 Replace the backrest seat rest and legrest actuator 25 16 更换中心板 Replace The Main PCB 25 17 小腿组件的拆卸 Disconnect Legrest 26 18 小腿电机的更换 Replacement the extend motor 27 19 小腿行程光电的更换 L...
Страница 14: can fold backrest on seat part D 拔下靠背底端的 2 根气管 Pull out the connectors of the hoses on the bottom of the backrest E 然后再拆卸座部电动推杆 使电动推杆与靠背分离 Unattach the connecting rod and the U stay fork of the reclining actuator with a flat head rivet and pull out the split pin 拉开披风与靠背连接的拉链 The zipper on the top of the backrest 将披风放在座位上 Place the backrest pad on the seat part seat part 注意区分不同颜色插头及正反面 Note Ins...
Страница 15: ...loth after taking down the backrest pad B 在靠背左下部可以找到拉链 将拉链拉开 使其与靠背分离 必要时更改拉绒布即可 You can find the zipper of the cloth at the left side Unzip it and replace the cloth if needed 拉开拉链就可以更换拉绒布了 Unfasten the zipper to replace the cloth 靠背与座架成 90 Lift the backrest at 90 degrees A Connecting rod on the backrest B U stay fork of reclining actuator on the seat C Flat head rivet D Split pin ...
Страница 16: ...盖上的 6 枚螺丝 拿下前背盖 Find 6 pieces of screws fixing the front cover and remove the screws with a plus screwdriver and then the front cover can be removed 4 机芯的拆解 Disconnect Robot Mechanism 首先把机芯上方有碍机芯取出的线材理清 拆下接线头 还有电机皮带等 然后再进一步拆解 First clean the wires on the robot eg disconnect wire terminals and motor belt 靠背皮套的 2 边拉链 The zippers of the outer clothing of the rear cover 靠背后盖上的 4 枚螺丝 The 4 screws of th...
Страница 17: D 拆卸揉捏电机 Disconnect the kneading motor 拆除 4 枚螺丝和皮带 即可拆卸敲击电机 Disconnect tapping motor just slacken and remove the screw 4pcs 拆除 2 枚螺丝后就可取出检测板 Disconnect width inspection board just remove the screw 2pcs 机芯上方 2 枚螺丝 Slacken and remove the screw 2pcs on upper 机芯下方 2 枚螺丝 Slacken and remove the screw 2pcs on lower 拆除电机上的 4 枚螺丝 Just remove the screws 4pcs ...
Страница 18: ...olling motor to 24V Use tools turn around axletree to revolve until the rolling car take from backrest See image below 6 靠背小枕头的拆解 Disassembly of the pillow small A 拉开小枕头的粘毛扣 断开 2 处气管接头 取下小枕头 Disconnect the 2 hose terminals take down the pillow small 2 小枕头的 2 处粘毛扣 pull here and take down the pillow 小枕头的 2 处气管 small the 2 terminals of the small pillow 拆除背架顶端两侧 的两个螺丝 Slacken and remove the screws 2pc...
Страница 19: ...ace a new one 8 披风的拆卸 Disassembly of the backrest pad A 拉开披风与靠背的拉链和披风与座部的拉链 将披风放在座位上 参考拉绒布的拆卸 Unzip zippers of the pad put the pad on the seat refer to the disassembly of the cloth B 拔开披风下方的气管和加热器接线头 取下披风 Find and disconnect the hoses of the pad and the terminal of the heater take down the backrest pad 小枕头上的拉链 The zipper of the pillow small 断开此处的气管可以分离小枕头 Disconnect the hoses of the pillow 加热器接线头 ...
Страница 20: ...角扳手将固定侧板的 2 个内六角螺母取掉 Find inside hexagon nut 2pcs and remove them the position re Image 内六角螺拄位置 The position of hexagon screws 2pcs 掀开座垫 取下前面的螺丝 Put up the cover of seat rest take down the in front screw 2 边的肩部按摩器 the shoulder massage 肩部按摩器的拉链 the zipper of the shoulder 断开肩部按摩器的气管和喇叭接线头 disconnect the hose and the terminal of the loudspeaker 取下 3 枚螺丝就可以分离肩部按摩器了 Take down the 3 screws to disassembl...
Страница 21: to the disassembly of backrest B 剪开手控器线处的扎扣 Cut the cable ties on the remote control cord C 取下 2 枚螺丝 断开手控器接线头 Slack and remove the 2 screws disconnect the terminal of the remote control cord 侧板前部的内六角螺丝 Hexagon screw in front of sideboard 剪开手控线上所有扎扣 cable ties 手控器接线头处的 2 枚固定螺丝 the 2 screws 开倒背 取下侧板后部的内六角螺丝 Put down backrest hexagon screw in behind of sideboard ...
Страница 22: ...g seat pad and backrest pad B 断开座部气袋的气管 Disconnect the air hose of the seat pad C 剪掉座部震动电机接线头处的扎扣 拔开接线头 Cut the cable tie on the terminal of the vibrating motor disconnect it 座垫与小腿连接的拉链 the zipper fixing seat pad and backrest d 座垫与披风连接的拉链 the zipper fixing seat pad and backrest pad 座部气袋的 2 边气管 the air hose of the seat pad 座部震动电机接线头 the terminal of the vibrating motor ...
Страница 23: ...side seat massage A 取下侧板 参考侧板的拆卸 Take down the side board refer to disassembly of the side board B 取下座侧按摩器的 2 枚螺丝 断开气管 取下臀部按摩器 Slack and remove the 2 screws on the side massage disconnect the air hose take the side massage 座垫背部的拉链 有扎扣 The zipper of the seat pad with cable tie 取下皮套 Take down the cover 座部气袋的粘毛扣 The tie in the seat cover 座部气袋气管接头 The air hose of the air bag 上图红色区域是臀部按摩器的 2 枚螺丝 The 3 ...
Страница 24: ...he air hose replace the air bag 14 更换前挡板 Replace Front board A 抬起小腿后 你能看到所有的固定螺丝 取下它们 更换前挡板 Raised the legrest then you slacken and remove the fixing all the screws on front board replace new one 上前挡板的螺丝 下前挡板的 4 枚螺丝 取下皮套 Take down the cover 座侧按摩器气袋上的螺丝 The screws of the air bag on the side massage 座侧按摩气袋气管接头 The terminal of the air hose on the side massage ...
Страница 25: ...Main PCB A 取下靠背 参考靠背的解 B 用十字螺丝刀取下固定中心盒上盖的 9 个十字盘头螺钉 就可以移动中心盒 Slacken and remove fixing the 9 screws in the PCB box Then you can remove out the box a little C 拔掉中心板上的连接端子 将中心板飞机架分离 取下中心板 Disconnect all wire terminal on the PCB and fixing the plastic with PCB then take away the main PCB D 取一新的中心板按上述步骤逆向进行 即可更换中心板 At last how to take off and how to set it up Backrest s actuator Legrest s actuator Zer...
Страница 26: ...f the Leg rest is broken and need to be replaced please consult the steps as below 注意事项 A 由于该小腿组件很重 所以操作时最好有人协助进行 B 为了更好的卸下小腿部请在拆卸前接通电源 操作小腿上升到最高后再切电源 C 有些维护只要升高小腿即可并不需要拆卸 NOTE This legrest is heavy please don t remove it with a person Disconnect before use power to set up highest then take power off please Some problems just set it up to repair 拆卸步骤如下 STEPS A 拉开小腿与座部之间的衔接拉链 中心板 main PCB 储气盒 gas s...
Страница 27: ...extend motor A 首先将小腿组件取下 然后取下小腿组件的下挡板 After disconnect legrest slacken and remove screws for take away legrest backboard B 用斜口钳剪断固定小腿伸缩电机连接线的 扎口 并将电机连接线的压线帽取下 Use tools cut wire terminal of motor fixing belt and disconnect wire terminal 压线帽的位置 The wire fixing belt 拆卸皮带 Take away the motor belt 拆除电机上的 螺丝 4pcs Screw s position 固定小腿下挡板的十 字盘头螺钉 9pcs The screws position 将连接小腿推杆中 间管的销轴取下 Disconnect actu...
Страница 28: ...行程光电的螺栓 3pcs 然后拔掉该行程光电的接线端子即可对其进行更换 更换步骤按上述步骤逆向操作即可 Use tools slacken and remove the screws 3pcs then disconnect the wire terminal 20 小腿 PCB 板的更换 Replace the legrest PCB 用十字螺丝刀和 7MM 的扳手取下固定 PCB 的螺栓 4pcs 然后将插在 PCB 板上 的所有连接端子拔掉即可对其进行更换 更换步骤按上述步骤逆向操作即可 Use tools take away the fixing screws from PCB and disconnect wire terminal all At last take a new one to set up 21 触地检测开关的更换 Replace the sensors swit...
Страница 29: ... the screws replace new one set it up 22 小腿丝杆螺母座的更换 Replace pin rocker bearing s nut A 在靠行走电机附近 找到两螺帽 用扳手将两螺帽卸下 再沿丝杆方向 找到下面两固定丝杆的螺丝以 及固定丝杆螺母座的四颗十字盘头螺丝 并用扳手和螺丝刀分别取下螺母及螺丝 Find screws 2pcs near the motor on the top of legrest And find screw 2pcs and nuts 2pcs on the bottom of axletree Slacken and remove them 两螺帽位置 Screws position 螺帽及螺丝位置 Position of nuts and screws 使长度最长 Adjust actuator to longest 检测...
Страница 30: ... screws fixing the pin of motor Turn the footrest up and take away the bottom board of the footrest B 旋转小腿行走皮带轮使小腿伸长到最大 取下固定上小腿底部的 4pcs 十字盘头螺钉 然后拉开皮套侧边的拉链 取下固定上小腿的两个十字盘头螺钉 每侧各两个 Rotate the belt wheel to extend the foot rest to the longest position and remove the screws 4pcs tightening the upper part of the foot rest Unzip the side zipper of the upper outer coating then remove the screws 2pcs of ea...
Страница 31: ... of the foot rest B 旋转小腿脚轮的侧盖 将侧盖取下 然后 用内六角螺丝刀取下固定小腿脚轮的螺栓 将脚轮取下 Rotate the cover of the wheel castor then it can be removed Removed screw bolt fixing the caster wheel then the castor can be removed C 拉开下小腿底部的拉链 将下面的皮套取下 再将固定 PE 板的 6pcs 十字盘头螺钉取下 取下 PE 板后 可以看到两个固定下小腿的法兰螺母 也取下它们 Unfasten the zipper at the bottom of the foot rest then remove the screws fixing the PE board and take away the PE board 脚 ...
Страница 32: ...时 按上述步骤逆向进行即可 Remove the screws fixing the lower part of the footrest then the outer coating can be removed Proceed in the reverse order of disassembly when assembly 固定下小腿的十字盘头螺钉 Screws fixing the lower part 固定 PE 板的十字盘头螺钉 6pcs Screws fixing the PE board 6pcs 法兰螺母 2 pcs Nuts fixing the lower part 2pcs ...