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Operator's Manual
Rolling High-Wheel String Trimmer 600050 Series
Use this guide and do not trim on a slope greater than 15
A 10 degree slope is a hill that increases in height at approxi-
mately 1.76 feet in 10 feet.
A 15 degree slope is a hill that increases in height at approxi-
mately 2.68 feet in 10 feet.
sloPe GuIde
use exTReme cARe AT All TImes And AVoId sud-
den TuRns oR mAneuVeRs. folloW oTHeR In-
sTRucTIons In THIs mAnuAl foR sAfeTy In TRIm-
mInG on sloPes. oPeRATe A TRImmeR AcRoss THe
fAce of sloPes, neVeR uP oR doWn sloPes. use
exTRA cARe WHen oPeRATInG on oR neAR sloPes
And oBsTRucTIons.