EV3000-D manual
Equipment described herein may require US Government authorization for export purposes. Diversion contrary to US law
is prohibited. ©2008 United Vision solutions, Co., Specifications are subject to change. Check website:
Instantaneous Field of View (IFOV)
- A measure of the spatial resolution of an IR detector. It is
defined as the angle seen by an individual pixel in the FPA and is measured in milliradians.
Kelvin Temperature Scale -
Absolute temperature scale related to the Celsius (or Centigrade) scale. 0°
Kelvin (absolute zero) is equal to -273° C. The units of Kelvin are equal to Centigrade degrees.
Therefore, room temperature (23°C) is equal to 296° K.
Long Wave Infra Red (LWIR) -
The section of the infrared band from 7 microns to 12 microns.
Micro-Cooler -
A miniature Sterling Cycle cooler used to provide cryogenic temperatures for the Focal
Plane Array.
Micron –
One millionth of a meter (10-6 m); Micron units are used to express the wavelength of light.
Milliradian (mr) –
A measure of angle equal to one thousandth of a radian (1 radian = 180°/pi).
Typically used to express the IFOV of an imager (1 mr = 0.0573°).
Mid Wave Infra Red (MWIR) –
The portion of the infrared spectrum from 3 to 5 microns.
Minimum Resolvable Temperature Difference (MRTD) –
A figure of merit for a particular FPA based
imager, it defines the minimum temperature difference that can be resolved by the detector.
Narcissus Reflection -
The reflection back into the image of the cooled detector. Because the detector
is cooled to cryogenic temperatures, it will reflect back as an intense spot in the center of the image (black
spot in white-hot mode).
Narrow Field of View (NFOV)
– In a dual field of view lens, the NFOV is the smaller of the two fields
(more magnification) and is used for identification, recognition and detection at longer ranges.
Noise Equivalent Temperature Difference (NETD) –
A figure of merit for an FPA based imager, it
defines the temperature difference that produces a signal just equal to the RMS noise signal.
Non-Uniformity Correction
– A built in correction routine that calculates a set of field correction
coefficients to apply to each pixel in the array to normalize their response for a given scene temperature.
Video standard for color, 60 field/sec interlaced video output (i.e.
US standard color video). PAL -
Video standard for color, 50 field/sec interlaced video output (i.e.
European standard color video).
Pixel –
Abbreviation for Picture Element, or each individual element that comprises a picture. Typical
FPA’s are arrays of 640 x 480, 320 x 480, or 256 x 256 pixels.
Radian –
The angular measurement equal to the ratio of the arc length of a circle divided by the radius.
A circumference of a complete circle is 2 pi times the radius, so a complete circle (360°) equal 2 pi
radians, and pi radians = 180°. 1 radian = 57.3°.
Recognition –
The distance at which an imager can resolve three cycles across a given target. Typically
used to define the distance at which an imager can distinguish between a specific object in a group of
similar objects. In addition to the imager, the recognition range is also a function of the target size and
temperature difference from the background.
RS170 –
Video standard for monochrome, 60 field/sec interlaced video output (i.e. US standard black and
white video).