The upload of the configuration to the CPC controller
is only possible with admin rights. Adopt Device Types
With the function "Adopt Device Types" selected, the
currently used structure is automatically read out
from the used hardware. The circuit breakers must
therefore no longer be configured manually. (The
function is only possible in Admin mode).
4.2 Status Bar
Below the menu bar, the status of the various elec-
tronic circuit breakers can be evaluated immediately
using the boxes in the area "Device". This box is di-
vided into two areas. By clicking on these areas, it is
also possible to navigate the circuit breaker overview
page to the different parts of the system. The cur-
rently displayed area is shown with a blue line below
If the system is operating, the colour is green. If there
is a warning or an error, it will be highlighted with the
colours orange or red. A gray filled rectangle means
that the circuit breaker was switched off manually at
the device. If the rectangle is only outlined, no device
is connected.
Image 23: Status of the electronic circuit breakers in menu bar