© E-mu Systems, Inc. 1985
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The SP-12 includes several MIDI functions and synchronization options. We will
describe MIDI options first, then move into synchronization. The non-sync oriented
MIDI functions include select MIDI channel and play drums from MIDI keyboard. MIDI
is a way of exchanging musical information between various electronic music
instruments. If you are not familiar with MIDI basics, refer to Appendix D.
1. Activate the SET-UP module and key in 22, MIDI PARAMETERS.
2. Specify the Channel Number from 01 to 16 with the Left Arrow and Right
Arrow keys or key in the number via the keypad. This specifies the channel
over which the SP-12 will look for data when in Poly mode. After selecting the
desired Channel Number, press ENTER.
3. You may now select the MIDI mode:
Key in 1
for Omni (the SP-12 will play note information coming in only MIDI
Key in 2
for Poly mode (the SP-12 will play only note information coming in
over the basic channel specified in step 2).
The SP-12 sounds may now be played from a MIDI keyboard. If the SP-12 is
in Omni mode, it will respond to notes played on the keyboard regardless of
the MIDI keyboard’s transmitting channel. If the SP-12 is in Poly mode, it will
respond to notes only if the keyboard and SP-12 are tuned to the same MIDI
channel. If the MIDI keyboard provides velocity (dynamics) information, the
SP-12 sounds will respond to this data.
Having the SP-12 respond to keyboard notes is handy if you want to treat the
SP-12 solely as a sound generating device and run it from the note
information contained in an existing sequencer. For example, suppose you
have an Emulator II and Drumulator with the MIDI retrofit, and have created a
number of sequences on the Emulator II that send notes through MIDI to the
Drumulator. When you add an SP-12 to your setup, you might want to
continue to run the SP-12 from the same sequences used with the
Drumulator instead of re-programming the sequences into the SP-12. No
problem; just send the sequencer’s MIDI note data to the SP-12. If the SP-12
drum sounds triggered by the sequence are not exactly the ones you desire,
just swap sounds until the right drums correspond to the right notes.