E8500 Instruction & Operations Manual
version 1.017
Page 41 of 49
To access the condensation disk filter you must remove the top section of the
instrument case. The top section of the analyzer case
is held to the bottom section by a
total of four retaining screws. With both hands, slide off the vent covers on each side.
Use a Philips screwdriver to remove both pairs of retaining screws (one pair on each
side of the case). It is best to remove the bottom pair of screws first. Carefully lift the
top of the instrument case together with the attached aluminum mounting shielding plate
especially since the top & bottom cases pieces are connected with cables/wires. When
the plastic case is open, be careful when near the main board because some of the
resistors on the board can get significantly hot.
Disconnect the two pieces of flexible tubing that holds the condensation filter in place,
and reconnect the hoses to the new filter. Secure the new filter to the coated aluminum
plate with a tie wrap.
When replacing the condensation disk filter, make sure that the filter’s lettering is facing
the front/top of the analyzer.
One of the E8500 Plus options is a sintered pre-filter that threads into the of the 40”(1m)
and 60”(1.5m) probes. If the sintered filter option is included, this item should be
periodically inspected and cleaned as needed. If a layer of particulates/dust/ash builds
up on this sintered filter, it can be cleaned by removing it from the probe tip and blowing
it clean with compressed air and/or soaking it in warm water then rubbing it clean. The
sintered filter should be cleaned and dried before threading it back onto the probe tip.