The Tensor is especially good at the 3D type
maneuvers such as Torque Rolls, Elevators /
Harriers, and High-Alpha Rolls. The large amount
of aileron area in the propeller slipstream actually
make it possible to perform anti-torque rolls
(spinning to the right while hovering) Because of
its ultra-light wing loading the Tensor is truly meant
to be flown indoors in a windless environment
but will easily handle 5-10mph wind conditions
outside. The Tensor seems to fly best with a 7.2V
Li-Poly battery indoors and a 12V Li-poly battery
outdoors. Many of the top-level pilots who have
flown this model say that it has new maneuvers
hidden inside it…perhaps you’ll be the one to
discover them.
Basic Guide for Learning to Fly 3D
The Tensor is quite capable of performing a wide
range of 3D maneuvers, but the ultimate goal is
to make the pilot capable of performing them as
well…let’s start with some thoughts about torque
rolls and hovering in general.
How does one go about learning how to torque
roll? The best way is to practice on a simulator
until you can literally do the maneuver without
needing to think about the inputs. The skill involved
is nothing more than a muscle memory response to
what you see the airplane doing.
Is the simulator realistic? Probably not, but
regardless of its accuracy it will get your eyes
and hands accustomed to the proper movements
required to perform the maneuver. The simulator
will help you get over the “mechanics” of the
maneuver so you will not have to think about which
direction to move the sticks when faced with the
real thing.