Ο 2. Use a 1/16-inch drill bit in a pin vise to drill a
hole in the center of each cowl mounting block.
Ο 3. Prepare four 2” x 1/2-inch alignment tabs from
manila card stock. At the end of each tab use a
punch or an awl to form a hole.
Ο 4. Use low-tack masking tape to tape the alignment
tabs to the fuselage with their holes centered over
the holes in the cowl mounting blocks.
Ο 5. Install the cowling on the fuselage, making sure
that the alignment tabs are on the outside of the
cowl. Use the cowl opening as an alignment guide
by centering it on the motor.
Ο 6. Verify that the motor can rotate without contacting
the cowling, then secure the cowling to the fuselage
with low-tack tape.
Ο 7. Use a felt-tipped pen to mark the mounting hole
locations on the cowling.
E-flite Stearman PT-17 15e ARF Assembly Manual