E-flite P-51B Mustang 32e ARF Assembly Manual
Table of Contents
Notice ................................................................... 2
Meaning of Special Language ................................. 2
Warnings .............................................................. 2
Introduction ........................................................... 3
Important Information Regarding
Warranty Information ..................................... 3
Specifications ......................................................... 3
Using the Manual ................................................... 3
Contents of Kit/Parts Layout .................................... 3
Covering Colors ..................................................... 3
Hardware/Accessory Sizes ..................................... 4
Recommended Radio Equipment ............................. 4
Power 32 Motor Setup (Recommended) ................... 4
Power 25 Motor Setup ........................................... 4
Optional Accessories .............................................. 4
Optional Retracts ................................................... 4
Optional Scale Accessories ..................................... 4
Hinging the Control Surfaces .................................. 5
Tail Wheel Installation ............................................ 8
Stabilizer and Rudder Installation .......................... 10
Motor and Cowling Installation ............................. 12
Rudder Servo, Elevator Servo and
Receiver Installation ...................................... 14
Propeller and Spinner Installation .......................... 18
Aileron Servo Installation ...................................... 19
Flap Servo Installation .......................................... 22
Fixed Gear Installation ......................................... 25
Retract Installation ................................................ 26
Cockpit Details ..................................................... 29
Final Assembly and Center of Gravity ................... 29
Installing the Optional Ordinance Pylons ............... 31
Decal Placement ................................................... 33
Detailing Your P-51B Mustang .............................. 36
Control Throws..................................................... 40
Preflight ............................................................... 40
Flying Your P-51B Mustang 32e ARF ..................... 41
Range Test Your Radio .......................................... 41
Daily Flight Checks ............................................... 42
Warranty and Repair Policy .................................. 42
Warranty Services ................................................ 43
Compliance Information for the European Union .... 43
2010 Official Academy of
Model Aeronautics Safety Code .................... 44
The razorback P-51B Mustang was the first Mustang
to match North American’s sleek airframe with the
awesome power of a Rolls-Royce Merlin engine. It
was this Mustang that gave the Allies their first truly
capable bomber escort and Luftwaffe pilots their first
taste of things to come.
The E-flite
Platinum Series P-51B Mustang 32e ARF
expertly captures the look and feel of this landmark
WWII fighter with a scale outline so faithful to form as
to be practically indistinguishable from the real thing.
Every detail has been pushed to the limits of model
size and engineering with features like concealed
pocket hinges, airfoil-shaped tail surfaces, aluminum
painted spinner, and a painted fiberglass cowl that
blends seamlessly into the fuselage.
You can push the scale realism even further with
options like electric retracts, a full depth cockpit, static
4-bladed propeller, and functional bomb/drop tank
wing mounts. The model has been designed to accept
all of these options with minimal modification. And
when you’re done, you will have a competition-level
scale Mustang that will make every flight unforgettable.
Important Information
Regarding Warranty Information
Please read our Warranty and Liability Limitations
section on Page 42 before building this product. If you
as the Purchaser or user are not prepared to accept the
liability associated with the use of this Product, you are
advised to return this Product immediately in new and
unused condition to the place of purchase.
52.0 in (1320mm)
Wing Area:
460 sq in (29.7 sq dm)
45.5 in (1160mm)
Weight with Battery: 5.25–6.00 lb (2.40–2.70 kg)
Weight w/o Battery: 4.50–5.00 lb (2.00–2.30 kg)
Using the Manual
This manual is divided into sections to help make
assembly easier to understand, and to provide breaks
between each major section. In addition, check boxes
have been placed next to each step to keep track
of its completion. Steps with a single circle (
) are
performed once, while steps with two circles (
indicate the step will require repeating, such as for a
right or left wing panel, two servos, etc.
Remember to take your time and follow the directions.
Contents of Kit/Parts Layout
Replacement Parts
Wing Set
Tail Set
Belly Scoop
Pushrod Set
Bomb Set
Hardware Pack
3-inch Aluminum Spinner
Covering Colors
Olive Drab
Light Gray