May 2000
Part No. 001-2008-204
4.3 EDIT
Figure 4-5 EDIT MENU
This menu is used to create new files and set or
change the repeater operating parameters. The file-
name for the repeaters in this file is shown in the
lower left corner of the screen.
First see Section 4.3.4 to select repeater type to
setup LTR Parameters. This menu programs the
repeater parameters and options of each repeater at a
site. Table 5-1 lists the parameters that are set by this
screen (see Figure 5-1) and gives a brief description of
NOTE: The parameters are shown in the lower left of
the pop-up screen for reference.
Repeater Number
Each repeater is programmed with a repeater
number from 1-20. Make sure that this number agrees
with the Home repeater number programmed in the
mobiles assigned to this repeater.
Channel Number
Each repeater is programmed with a channel
number (1-920).
NOTE: Repeater program channel numbers 1-599
increment in 25 kHz steps. Program channel num-
bers 600-920 increment in 12.5 kHz steps. See Appen-
dix A to determine the correct operating frequency.
Telco Network Type
None is used for LTR system repeaters.
This is the same as the area bit used when pro-
gramming the mobiles. This bit is usually "0".
Sync Repeater
None is used for LTR system repeaters.
Stand Alone
Select if the repeater is not connected to addi-
tional repeaters via the high speed data bus.
ID Validator
(Not applicable at this time.)
The time interval between transmission of the
repeater’s CWID message.
CWID Message
FCC regulations require that the station call let-
ters be transmitted periodically on the lowest- fre-
quency repeater in the system and disabled on all the
others. Morse code is used to encode these letters/
numbers for continuous-wave (CW) transmission (15
characters/numbers UPPER CASE).
Local Mic ID
The local microphone connected to the MAC
jack is assigned a Group ID for transmitting when the
local microphone PTT is active. This allows the
Repeater to operate as a base station.
Test Mode ID
This is the Group ID transmitted when the
Repeater is in Test Mode. Mobiles with the same
Group ID can communicate with the Repeater in Test
RF Power Level
This is the default power level. Enter the power
level for transmit power.
NOTE: This is not the actual power out level. Other
factors must be considered for true power out.