Chapter 4 - The Interface Setup Screens
The Interface Setup screens help you connect your DSL-2120/2120W to the Internet and
to your local network.
4.1 Interface Setup Overview
The physical connections determine whether the DSL-2120/2120W ports are local area
network (LAN) ports or wide area network (WAN) ports. There are two kinds of IP networks.
The local, private kind is the LAN network; the global, public kind is the WAN network. The
following illustration shows the relationship between the DSL-2120/2120W and the two
different networks.
A LAN is a shared communication system to which many computers are attached. A LAN
is generally limited to the immediate area, usually the same building or floor of a building.
A WAN is an outside connection to another network or to the Internet.
4.2 The Internet Screen
The Internet screen allows you to set up how your DSL-2120/2120W connects to the
Internet. If you already ran the Quick Start wizard, the information you provided to the wizard
should be entered into the fields already. When you are done making changes, click on the
SAVE button to save your changes.
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