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Instruction manual for Body Slimming Massager device BSM-588


Please read the instruction manual thoroughly before using your new device. It is important to keep these
instructions as a useful reminder that’ll help you enjoy the many features available. If the device becomes faulty
during regular use, it should only be repaired by an authorised service engineer. The manufacturer is not
responsible if the device becomes damaged or defective as a result of the user not following the information
included in the instruction manual.


The following safety instructions must be followed when using the device. Please read this section
very carefully!

Of course, it’s not possible for us to anticipate or provide safety rules for every specific situation, so we ask you to
apply commonsense precautions when using the device in a situation that isn’t described below.

Children are not allowed to use the device. It should be stored where children cannot reach it and should only
be used when children are not nearby. Please pay extra attention if you use the device in the presence of
young, elderly or handicapped people. You should also warn them about the risk of accidents when you are
using the device.

You must not attach or otherwise use any additional parts that are not recommended by the manufacturer.
Using them may cause an accident or other problems with the device.

The device has only been designed for indoor use at home. Any other application, including commercial or
professional use, is not permitted. You must not use the device outdoors under any circumstances.

Don't put the device near hot objects (e.g. oven, hob, heating appliance etc.) or on any hot surface. 

Don’t place the device anywhere it could slide down, fall or be knocked off accidentally.

Don't use the device in the presence of explosive or inflammable gases, vapours or liquids.



All electrical and mechanical equipment needs to be cared for appropriately. It’s important to note
that using or storing the device in certain conditions may adversely affect its lifespan and
functionality. Always protect the device from the conditions listed below.

Using or storing the device in a wet, humid or damp environment can cause:

- deterioration and premature aging of the cover and electric insulation of the device,
- premature wearing and aging of the plastic and rubber components,
- rust and corrosion affecting electrical components and metal parts.

Using the device in a dusty environment can cause:

- problems with mechanical components, 
- intermittent or permanent electrical problems,
- damage to the plastic and rubber parts.

Direct sunshine can cause:

- premature aging of the device, 
- deterioration of the plastic and rubber parts, resulting in a risk to the user’s safety.

Continuous or commercial use of the device can cause:

- structural wear due to heavy use, 
- overheating, 
- damage to the motor.

Storing the device in a frosty or cold environment can cause

- plastic and rubber parts to become fragile, resulting in a risk to the user’s safety,
- rust and corrosion affecting electrical components and metal parts.

Direct and indirect heat (e.g. being too close to an oven or a heating appliance) can cause:

- damage, deformation, softening or melting of plastic and rubber parts
- deterioration of electrical insulation, resulting in a risk to the user’s safety.

Following the operating instructions and avoiding any of the conditions listed above will help you
increase the lifespan of the device. The manufacturer is not responsible if the device is stored
inappropriately or contrary to these instructions. You are recommended to have the device serviced
regularly by an authorised engineer to keep it working for as long as possible.

Please respect the environment when the device reaches the end of its life. Electrical
products must not be disposed of with other residential waste because they can
damage the natural world and may be hazardous to human health. You should dispose
of the device at an appropriate recycling site or by using a collection service that
specialises in electrical devices. 
You may wish to contact the retailer or the manufacturer if you are unable to find
convenient local recycling facilities as they have some legal responsibilities for
recycling electrical products.




User'sManual BSM-588_A5:User's Manual for BSM-588  2010.04.13.  14:25  Page 4

Содержание BSM-588

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Страница 2: ...art of the content logos design photos text colour scheme arrangements etc may be reproduced reused or redistributed for any purpose whatsoever or distributed to a third party for such purposes without the written permission ofThe dyras reg TM ofThe dyras wwe factory LLC U S A www dyras com User sManual BSM 588_A5 User s Manual for BSM 588 2010 04 13 14 25 Page 2 ...

Страница 3: ...nd functionality Always protect the device from the conditions listed below Using or storing the device in a wet humid or damp environment can cause deterioration and premature aging of the cover and electric insulation of the device premature wearing and aging of the plastic and rubber components rust and corrosion affecting electrical components and metal parts Using the device in a dusty enviro...

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