2Giga Ethernet Managed 4 Band VDSL IP DSLAM USER’S MANUAL Ver. A.4
FAN & Temperature Monitor:
This is a monitoring function for the cooler FAN speed and inner temperature status, if
the FAN stops or the temperature is over 70
C, the alarm trap will be sent via SNMP.
SNMP MIB Supports:
RFC-1213 MIBII, RFC-1493 Bridge MIB, RFC-1643 Ether like MIB, RFC-1757 RMON MIB / groups
1,2,3,9, Enterprise MIB.
Supports Interleave Setup:
To prevent the transmission against burst errors.
Giga port auto link supports:
This function can be auto sensing client interface media with copper or fiber optic
link and
supports hot swap.
In order to make sure the system is working normally, the Dynamix DV-24 provides Fan and Temperature
monitor and management, you can see through WEB or Telnet which shows the internal temperature and fan speed, if
the temperature exceeds 70
C or the fan stops working, the VDSL IP DSLAM will send a SNMP trap to inform the
Trap management server.
Hacker prevention:
To avoid hacker to enter management system through client side (CPE), the 24 ports VDSL IP DSLAM
will filter system IP from client side.
Supports multiple web browsers:
IE, Mozilla & Netscape under Windows O/S Mozilla & Netscape under Linux O/S