2.2 Power Sources
AVRD can be powered from any DC Power source supplying at least 10V and capable of
supplying a current of 5A maximum on each output (10A max. total). Operating voltage
range is 10V to 36VDC. The following are recommended DC power sources,
• Battery
• Solar Panel with backup battery
• AC outlet adapter with regulated DC output
• Regulated DC power
Some chargers will ground the output (-) lead, and have a common earth. In any case
be sure that the earth ground of the source is not used to ground the AVRD or in turn
the chassis. Only one ground can be allowed, and that is the earth ground next to the
logger. This is supposed to be attached with a green wire to indicate the earth connection,
differentiated from the electrical neutral (or ground wires) that are black.
2.3 Operation
A typical system diagram shown below gives an example of a logger, battery, and power
from a solar panel, and how the regulators fit into the overall system.
As shown in the example, one may control two different voltages from a single AVRD.
More adjustable voltages require additional AVRD regulator units. The adjustment knob on
each regulation output will vary the voltage up to 10Vdc or as low as 1.0 Vdc. The logger
connection to the 12V battery can be connected at the AVRD terminals, where the battery
connection is made. The wiring is simpler this way, and the connection is sturdy. One may
elect to have the logger independently supplied with power from an internal battery, or as
shown below.
Normally the first time user will start with a choice of one AVRD regulator, anticipating that
two types of sensors may be selected, or two different voltages would be sufficient. Refer
to the section on applications and sensor requirements for the different voltage settings on
your application.