System setup
Basic functions are defined in the menu system setup. Examples are: behaviour during stand-by, language, data
backup, etc. The factory defaults are explained in the table on page 36. Modifications are automatically saved and
remain in memory even without supply voltage.
Operatibn menu s tem setup
Confirming the menu selection ”system setup” with the soft key ”ok”, the following sub menus can be selected using
the < > cursor keys .
Confirming ”contrast” with the soft key ”ok”, the display shows ”LCD contrast” and the soft key ”norm”. The display’s
contrast is adjusted in + -% using the cursor keys while ”norm” sets the value to 0%. The EXIT key switches to the
prior menu level.
Confirming ”backlight”with the soft key ’ok”, the display shows ”L CD backlight” and the soft key ”norm”. Using the
cursor keys, the display’s backlight intensity can be set in a range of 0 % to 1 00%. The EXIT key switches to the prior
menu level.
Confirming ”headphones” with the soft key ”ok”, the display shows ”headphones” and the soft key ”norm”. Using the
cursor keys, the value for the volume of the Phone/Pre-Listen outputs can be set in a range of 0 % to 1 00 % while
”norm” sets it to 75%. This setting can also be modified with the soft key ”vl” in the menus ”Message,Gong, and
Alarm”. The EXIT key switches to the prior menu level.
Confirming ”priority” with the soft key ”ok”, the display shows ”Change User prio” and the soft key ”ok”. This menu
allows fixing user priorities, that are lower than the current user level. The cursor keys are used to assign a user
number and its priority. The new setting is only effective after confirming the entry with the soft key ”ok’(new priority
stored)”. The EXIT key switches to the prior menu level.
Confirming ”password”with the soft key ”ok”, the display shows ”passwordchange” and the soft key ”ok”. This menu
provides the possibility to change all user passwords, that are lower than the current user level; including your own
password. A user number and its password is set with the cursor keys (4 numbers, each from 0-9). The new setting
is only effective after confirming the entry with the soft key ”ok” (”new password stored’). The EXIT key switches to the
prior menu level.
Confirming ”outputs”with the soft key ”ok, the name of a control output (relay contact) is displayed. This menu allows
the settings of all 16 outputs, which are valid in the stand-by mode (no sequence running). With the cursor keys one
output (Al to D4) is selected and set to ”low” (contact open) or ”high” (contact closed) depending on the application.
This modification is effective immediately.
This menu item can also be used to test the functions of the DMM 4650’s outputs during the installation. The EXIT key
switches to the prior menu level.
Confirming ”bypass” with the soft key ”ok, the message ”bypass is off” or on appears on the display. This menu item
allows the setting of the audio relay’s state (input > output) when in the stand-by mode (no sequence running). The
cursor keys are used to change the status. This change is immediately effective. The EXIT key switches to the prior
menu level.