The menu trigger allows to assign the connection of a control input to a function of the DMM 4650 (sequence start)
while various control inputs can initiate a single sequence. The separate logic control settings for each input provide
the possibility to optimally match the requirements of an installation. Pressing the soft key ”set” stores the new trigger
and it remains in memory even during periods when the mains or battery power is missing.
The control inputs’ technical specifications are to be found in the chapter CONNECTIONS as well as in the APPEN-
Operation menu trigger
Confirming the menu selection ”trigger” with the soft key ”ok”, using the cursor keys provides the possibility to make
the following settings:
Using the cursor keys selects a control input. Possible selections are the Ports A, B, C, D and th
corresponding input numbers 1, 2, 3, 4.
The logic control level gets also selected using the cursor keys: H=high (flowing current), L=Iow (no current),
X=H or L (variable currents) and selecting ”off” switches the sequence start of the selected line off.
Using the cursor keys sets a bounce time between 0.0 and 25.0 seconds. The logic control level selected in
point 2 has to be present (stable) at the control input at least for this time value, so that the prerequisite for a
sequence start is fulfilled.
The cursor keys provide the possibility to choose of a selection of three distinct conditions for a sequence to
be started. A valid start attempt is initiated only, if the conditions 2 and 3 are fulfilled.
The switch ”dyn” = dynamic tries to start the stated sequence and simultaneously deletes the start command. A
currently running sequence with equal or higher priority prevents the sequence start command from being initiated.
The switch ”stc” = static tries to start the selected sequence as long as the conditions 2 and 3 deliver a true result. This
allows the periodic repetition of a sequence, as long as the conditions are fulfilled (e.g. a key is kept depressed). In
case a sequence with equal or higher priority is currently running, the start of a new sequence is only possible after
completion of the first sequence and, if the trigger conditions at this moment are still fulfilled.
The switch ”Iat”= latched stores the start command and tries to initiate the selected sequence continuously until its
launch has been successful. A new triggering of this input is stored only after completion of the sequence. Alil 6
control inputs are separately stored and the sequences are launched in the succession of their priorities.
The sequence which is supposed to be started with this control line can be selected with the cursor keys.
Pressing the soft key ”set” stores the above mentioned settings and actives them immediately.