PMC-700-X00 User’s Manual
DY 4 Systems Inc.
809789 Revision 2 December 2000
Connect a Monitor
If the PMC-700-X00 is installed in PMC Site 1 (at the centre of the basecard),
connect a custom cable to the J29 header of the Backpack module as shown in
Figure 4.1.
If the PMC-700-X00 is installed in PMC Site 2 (near the P2 connector),
connect a custom cable to the J30 header of the Backpack module as shown in
Figure 4.1.
Table 4.1 on page 4-7 gives the video signal pinout for the J29 and J30 headers
on the Backpack module. This information may be used to build custom cables
to connect to a monitor.
You may not obtain the maximum resolution when using the DVI interface
through the Backpack module. The additional connector interfaces can cause
signal degradation.
Figure 4.1
Backpack Module
A ll cables a re approxim a te ly 24” long (60 cm ).
Po sition the cables so that the p in 1 m arker on
the ribbo n is at th e top . Th e so ck et tha t m ates
w ith the B ackpa ck header is on th e left, facin g
away from you .
M arker (pin 1)
J26: conn ect SC SI Ca ble (9013 83 -0 00)
J29: conn ect PM C Cab le
J30: conn ect PM C Cab le
R ib bon Ca ble
J15: conn ect F loppy C ab le (901 38 4-000)
P1 So cket C on nector
J16: conn ect ID E C able (901385-00 0)
B ackplane
J4: con nect K eybo ard cable
J3: con nect M o use Cab le
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