Select the display unit (Uni) before setting the values for the parameters.
This avoids rounding errors generated internally during the conversion of
the units and enables exact setting of the values. The setting at the fac-
tory is Uni=CFH.
If no button is pressed for 15 seconds during the setting procedure, the
unit returns to the Run Mode with unchanged values.
The unit can be electronically locked to prevent unwanted adjustment of
the set parameters by pressing both push buttons until “LOC” is dis-
played. With the unit in the locked state “LOC” is indicated briefly when
you try to change parameter values. To unlock press both push buttons
until “ULO” is displayed. Units are delivered from the factory in the
unlocked state.
Run Mode:
Normal operating mode. Unit will perform its measurement and evalua-
tion functions and provide output signals according to set parameters.
Totalizer adds pulses of consumed quantity and displays them as cur-
rent consumption value since last reset. Totalizer stores intermediate
values every 10 minutes as well as elapsed time of set automatic reset.
After a voltage dip this value is available as the current count of the total-
izer (possible data loss can be maximum 10 minutes). Display indicates
current measured values, yellow LED’s signal switching status of out-
puts. Display unit can be temporarily changed (press “Set” button briefly,
after 15 seconds unit returns to display unit set in menu point Uni).
Display Mode:
Indicates parameters and set parameter values. When “Mode/Enter”
button is pushed briefly, unit passes to Display mode, which allows para-
meter values to be read. Unit’s internal sensing, processing, and output
functions continue as if in Run mode. Parameter names are scrolled with
each press of “Mode/Enter” button. When “Set” button is pushed, corre-
sponding parameter value is displayed for about 15 seconds. After
another 15 seconds, unit returns to Run mode.
Programming Mode:
Setting parameter values: While viewing a parameter value pressing the
“Set” button for more than 5 seconds causes unit to enter programming
mode. Alter parameter by pressing “Set” button and confirm new value
by pressing “Mode/Enter” button. Internal sensing, processing, and out-
put functions continue as if in Run mode with original parameter values
unless a new value is confirmed. Unit returns to Run mode when no but-
ton has been pressed for 15 seconds.
C-32:Magnesense bulletin 9/24/09 11:48 AM Page 5
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