A suitably qualified electrician must connect the unit. Voltage supplied
according to EN50178, SELV, PELV. The device shall be supplied from
an isolating source and protected by an overcurrent device such that the
limited voltage circuit requirements in accordance with UL 508 are met.
Disconnect power before connecting the unit as follows in Figure 2.
Disconnect power before connecting the unit as follows:
Select an area where the process temperature will remain between 32
and 140°F (0 to 60°C). Preferred mounting location is downstream from
the cold dryer, near the load. If compressed air is fed into the main pipe
through parallel pipes, the unit should be mounted in the main pipe.
The unit may be positioned vertically, horizontally, and on its
side with the pipe length left. Avoid positioning the unit on its side with
the pipe length to the right. This may jeopardize the accuracy:
To achieve the specified measurement accuracy, the follow-
ing mounting conditions must be adhered to: defined inflow/outflow pipe
lengths, defined flow cross-sectional area, fixed installation depth and
correct positioning of the measuring elements. Integrate the pipe length
so that the direction of flow and the marking arrow show in the same
direction. In case of disturbances at the inflow side additional baffled
pipes are recommended:
After mounting, wiring and programming check whether unit operates
correctly. Unit is maintenance free for media which will not adhere to
measuring probes. Occasionally, probes should be visually checked for
build-up. If necessary, clean probes with a suitable liquid (e.g. alcoholic
solution). Avoid mechanical damage to measuring probes.
Figure 1
Figure 3
Core socket colors
1 = BN, 2 = WH (white), 3 = BU (blue), 4 = BK (black).
Figure 2
C-32:Magnesense bulletin 9/24/09 11:48 AM Page 2
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