Regular Use
To get clean water just open the filtered water faucet. The filtered water stored in the tank will
be delivered. The pump will turn on automatically and will refill the tank gradually even after
you shut off the faucet. The system will shut off automatically when the tank will become full
again. Once in each water production cycle the membrane will be flushed.
Please note that R.O. membrane needs up to 50 hours of active operation before reaching
peak performance in terms of water flow, recovery and rejection rates. The delivery rate and
available amount of filtered water depend on how full the tank is. You may need to shut off the
faucet and wait for the tank refill to get more water.
For your safety and peace of mind please unplug the pump box unit from the electrical outlet
and close the inlet valve before servicing your R.O. system such as changing filters or mem-
brane, or during vacations.
You may install the optional union tee fitting to the tubing line prior to the filtered water
faucet to get another line of clean water going to the other point-of-use (such as a sink in
a bathroom or ice maker in your fridge).
Operating the system using softened feed water greatly reduces the chances of membrane
failure and prolongs filters and membrane service life.
Changing Filters and Membrane
This R.O. system contains the replaceable components critical to the efficiency of the system.
Replacement of a component should be with one of identical specifications, as defined by the
manufacturer, to assure the same efficiency and contaminant reduction performance.
To reduce the risk of water leakage or flooding, and to ensure optimal R.O. system performance:
Change the disposable pre-filters every 6 months or sooner if you observe a noticeable
reduction in water production rate.
Change the disposable post-filter every 12 months or sooner if you observe a noticeable
reduction in water flow or production rate.
Change the disposable R.O. membrane every 24 months or sooner if you observe a notice-
able reduction in water production rate.
Failure to replace the disposable filters & membrane at recommended intervals may lead to re-
duced system performance and cracks in the filter housings, causing water leakage or flooding.
Please note the capacity of the filters and membrane is limited. Their service life depends on
the degree of contamination of the water supply and system usage. All terms apply to normal
household use. Actual performance may vary. You may need to change filters or the mem-
brane sooner than indicated if you notice chlorine or other tastes or smells, etc. Manufacturer
recommends a TDS test every six months.
Replacement Filters:
K871 (sediment pre-filter)
K870 (activated carbon pre-filter)
K866 (R.O. membrane)
K880 (activated carbon post-filter and
Optional post-filters which can also be used
instead of K880:
K875 (granular activated carbon post-filter)
K873 (granular activated carbon with
schungite natural mineral post-filter)
K870 carbon block pre-filter may also be
used as a post-filter.