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Why is there no air coming out of the ceiling
diffuser – even though my DVS system is
switched on at the control panel?
If your DVS system is not working, listen for
the Air Handling Units or check in the roof
space to see whether the Air Handling Units
are operating or not. If the Air Handling Units
are working, check the filters in the roof space
as they may be clogged, preventing the DVS
system from delivering sufficient air through the
ceiling outlets.
If the filters are not clogged and the DVS system
is still not working, please call us on 0800 DVS
DVS (0800 387 387).
Why do I continue to get some misting or
condensation in some rooms of the house?
This could be related to a variety of reasons:
• Lack of heating in the rooms affected
• Lack of air supply in the rooms affected
• Curtains, blinds or pelmets could be
preventing airflow over the windows.
You never want to completely dry out a home
as timber and woodwork can shrink causing
floors to creak and gaps in staircases, as well as
slight cracking of wall / ceiling lining joints to be
created etc.
Frequent Questions and Answers
I no longer have any condensation, but why does
my house seem cooler during colder weather?
You may need to use more home heating during
colder months to offset the cooler and drier air
needed to control condensation. You may also be
able to turn your DVS system down slightly to
reduce the airflow when the supply air is cooler
than the house.
Why is there dust on the ceiling outlet or on the
ceiling near the outlet?
This sometimes happens, usually as a result
of dust already in the home being attracted
by static electricity due to the drier air from
the DVS system brushing against the outlet or
ceiling surfaces, and by the flow of air within
the region of the diffuser. Clean the surfaces
with a clean dry cloth or use a dry brush.
If the problem persists, check your fresh air
supply filter to ensure it hasn’t become clogged
and check the ducting in your roof space for
any damage. Occasionally tradespersons or
other people working in your roof cavity can
accidentally damage the ducting, allowing some
dust from the roof cavity to enter your home,
although this is not common.
Why do we sometimes get the smell of smoke
from wood or coal fires coming into the house
via the system?
This can occur, particularly on still nights, when
smoke from domestic fires is in the air and
is drawn into the system. You may turn your
system off until the smoke around your home
Why am I continuing to get condensation even
though my system is on full?
There are two ways of controlling condensation.
Ventilation and heating. Ensure that you have
enough heating so that the air temperature is at
a level that allows it to hold more moisture.
Asthma New Zealand has officially recognised DVS
Ventilation Systems as being beneficial to people who
suffer respiratory illnesses.
A percentage of every unit sold is donated to Asthma
New Zealand
Research from Massey University has also proven the
DVS® ventilation systems to reduce the mould and fungal
spores that can be triggers for people with asthma