Owner’s Manual – Prodigy 4 & 5
H3109 3109 Rev. L
Warranty Conditions:
The warranty only applies to the water
heater itself and the components supplied
with the water heater by Dux. The
warranty does not cover components
supplied by others, including the installer.
The tank failure warranty does not apply if
the water heater has been connected to
a water supply where the Total Dissolved
Solids content is greater than 2500 mg/L.
These warranties do not apply to defects
that are a result of, without limitation, the
• failure to install the water heater
in accordance with the installation
instructions or statutory requirements;
• faulty plumbing or gas supplies
including excessive pressure;
• use of the water heater in a manner
contrary to this manual or other
instructions provided by Dux;
• alterations or repair of the water
heater other than by an accredited
and licensed service agent or
• accidental damage or abuse.
If the water heater is installed in a position
that does not comply with the installation
instructions or statutory requirements,
then this warranty does not cover major
dismantling or removal of cupboards,
doors, walls or special equipment and/or
excessive labour, at the determination of
Dux, to make the water heater accessible
for repair or replacement.
Where the Dux water heater is located
outside the metropolitan area of a capital
city and is more than 100km from a Dux
office or Dux agent, the Owner will be
responsible under the warranty for paying
the costs of transporting the water heater
and or any component in the water heater
to and from an approved Dux agent
or Dux office (including any insurance
associated with that transport), or paying
the travelling time of an approved Dux
agent to and from the owners premises.
Commencement of Warranty:
The warranty period commences from
the date of installation of the water heater.
Where proof of the date of installation
is not available, the warranty period
commences on the date of manufacture
of the water heater. This is shown on the
compliance plate on the outside of the
water heater.
The replacement of the water heater, or a
component of it, under this warranty does
not change the warranty commencement
date. The original commencement date
continues to apply.
Exclusion and Limitation of Liability:
In addition to any other provisions set out
in this document and to the maximum
extent permitted by any applicable law or
regulation, Dux will not be liable for any
1. for consequential loss to any property
arising directly or indirectly out of or
connected to the installation of the
water heater. This includes but is