Warming up EN
Neck exercises
Tilt the head to the right side so that you feel tension in your neck. Slowly tilt the head
towards the chest in a semi‐circle and then turn your head to the left. You will feel
comfortable tension in your neck. This exercise can be repeated alternately several times.
Exercises for shoulder area.
Raise your left arm and right alternately, or both arms at the same time.
Exercises for arms.
Withdraw alternately left and right arm towards. You will feel the tension on the left and
right side. Repeat this exercise several times .
Exercises for the upper part
Restrained by the hand leaning against the wall, then draw direction for yourself and raise
your right or left foot toward the buttocks as much as possible. You will feel comfortable
stretching in front of your thighs. Stay in this position for 30 seconds and if possible repeat
this exercise 2 times for each leg.
The inner thighs
Sit on the floor with your feet so that your knees are pointing out. Push your legs as close
as possible to your groin. Now, push your knees down. Stay in this position for a period of
30‐40 seconds if possible.
Touching the thumb
Lean forward your torso down and try to touch your inches to as far as possible.If you can,
stay in this position for 20‐30 seconds.
Exercise for Knee: Sit on the floor and straighten your right leg.Step out your left leg and
place your foot on your right thigh. Now try to reach your right foot with your right arm.
Stay in this position for 30‐40 seconds if possible.
Exercises for back / Achilles tendon
Place both hands on the wall to gain support your body. Slide your left leg back and try to
attach it to the buttocks, alternating it with your right foot. This stretching exercise
stretches back as well as legs. Stay in this position as far as possible for 30 ‐40 seconds.