Connecting to W ireless Connections
You can connect your tablet PC to a wireless local area network, WWAN,
Bluetooth, or GPS.
Before using a wireless built-in device, you need to turn the respective built-in
wireless functions on.
Connecting to a W ire le ss Local Area N etw ork
Your tablet PC comes with a WLAN module. A wireless network can be added
either when the network is detected or by manually entering the settings
To connect, follow the steps below:
1. Press the GZ±) button to turn on the wireless network function.
• You can also activate the wireless network function by tapping О icon in
the Quick menu.
2. Tap the wireless network icon on the system tray.
3. Available wireless network connections are
displayed. Tap the desired wireless network.
4. Tap Connect.
Some networks require a network security key or
a password.
4. Check Connect autom atically box to
automatically connect to this network when it
is available.
6. Enter the network security key.
7. Tap OK.
8. After the connection is established, you can see the wireless icon (I® ) in the
Notification area.
• Wi-Fi access requires service from a wireless service provider. Contact your
service provider for more information.
• Actual wireless connectivity will depend on system configuration. Please
contact your dealer for more information.
N o t connected
C o n n e ctio n s are availab le
W ireless N etw ork C o n n e c tio n 9
C o n n e ct a u to m atically
| C o n n e ct
O pen Netw ork and Sh aring Centei