D U N I W A Y S T O C K R O O M C O R P .
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B. General Description
The Terranova Scientific Model 908A Dual Capacitance Diaphragm Gauge (CDG) Controller
displays vacuum pressure as measured from capacitance diaphragm gauges. The 908A supplies
±15 volts at up to 0.75 amp; this is sufficient to operate most heated capacitance diaphragm gaug-
es. The 908A precisely measures the 0 to 10 volt signal from the CDG to determine pressure. The
Model 908A controller covers full scale ranges from 20 mTorr to 10,000 Torr. The 908A is
housed in a 1/8 DIN enclosure and is simple to operate.
C. Specifications
1. Useful Measuring Range
4 decades; for CDG tubes with full scale of 20 mTorr to 10.00 ktorr; full scale range selection is
entered on the front panel by the user
2. Display Range
-9.9 torr to 10.00 ktorr; pressures higher than 130% of Sensor Full Scale displays
3. Display Resolution
varies according to full scale range, from 0.01 mTorr to 1 Torr
4. Gauge Interface
The 908A incorporates a high-resolution input circuit which allows the use of the capacitance di-
aphragm gauge over its entire 4 decades.
5. Input to the 908A Controller
0 to 10 volts for full scale of the gauge
6. Units of Display
torr (mtorr), mBar (Bar), pascal (kpascal), or arb (no units); user selectable
7. Full Scale
user selectable range to match CDG
: 20, 50, 100 mTorr; 1, 2, 10, 100, 1000, 5,000
and 10,000 torr
8. Calibration Adjust
for calibration of display; allows user to multiply CDG response by 0.50 to 2.00
9. Vacuum Gauge
one or two capacitance diaphragm gauges which have 1-10 VDC signal output and require up to
0.75 amp total from ± 15 volt supplies; this is sufficient to operate most heated gauges
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