3.2.4 Angular setting the pin of the thread
The hinged pin (2) of the connecting rod (3) can be set in
three positions (the pin has got 3 flats ground for the screw):
- for the hook of small diameter (value A minimum)
- for the hook of large diameter , sewing category 100 and
200 (value A = medium)
- for the hook of large diameter, sewing category 300 and
400 (value A maximum)
The value A is to be measured in the bottom position of the
take-up lever. Set the pin of the connecting rod as follows:
Caution! Danger of injury!
Switch off the main switch! Before starting the
setting operation, wait until the motor stops!
- Remove the front guard.
- Set the lowest (bottom) position of the take-up lever.
- Loosen the screw (1) of the pin (2) of the connecting rod (3).
- The position of the take-up lever is changed when turning
the pin (2).
- Set the pin (2)into the corresponding position and tighten
anew the screw (1).
The correct position is given by the flat on the pin (2), on
which the screw (1) is to be tightened.
3.2.5 Side setting of the needle bar holder
and setting of the needle bed shifting
The insert of the throat plate (7) and the needle bed (6) are
to be set up one to the other in such a way, so that with the
given stitch width A", both needles pass through the centres
of the needle penetration holes.
Caution! Danger of injury!
Switch off the main switch! Before starting the
setting operation, wait until the motor stops!
- Loosen the screw (1) of the pin (2).
- Loosen the screw (3) of the guide pin (4).
- In shifting the pin (2) set the needle bar holder (8) according
picture /at the same time the pin (4) shifts/.
- The guide pin (4) is to be set in such a way that the needle
bar holder moves easily.
- Tighten the screws (1 and 3).
- Loosen the screw (5) of the needle bar carrier.
- Shift the needle bed (6) in such a way, so that the required
stitch width of needles A" is attained.
- Tighten up the screw (5) and check up the setting.
3.2.6 Setting the needle (the needle bar holder) in
the direction of sewing
Caution! Danger of injury!
Switch off the main switch! Before starting the
setting operation, wait until the motor stops!
- Loosen the screw (1).
- In turning the needle bar holder (2) around the pin (3), set
the needle against the centres of the needle penetration
- Tighten up the screw (1) and check up the setting.
A faulty setting may cause bending or breaking of
needles against the throat plate insert.