5.3 Setting the electromagnet current
The time response of the current of electromag. has 2 phases:
- initial switching on (0,2 ÷ 0,5 s) - the maximum force
- maintaining (when keying)
It is necessary to set max. 40 % of keying (see
instructions for use of the stopmotor).
With a higher value thereof and with a long period
of the presser foot in its lifted position there is a danger of
electromagnet overheating.
5.4 Aseembly of the top roller lifting
Caution! Danger of injury!
Switch off the main switch! Before starting the
setting operation, wait until the motor stops!
- Remove the rear guard (3).
- Using the screws (1), fasten the electromagnet (2) on the
rear guard (3) with the given orientation of the outlet cable
- Mount the rear guard (3).
- Connect the outlet cable (see par.7).
- Set the pin of the electromaghet (see par. 5.2).
- Set the current of the electromagnet (see par.5.3).
6. Backtacking using electromagnet
6.1 Description
The position of the electromagnet with regard to the backtack-
ing lever must be set in such a way that it enables the maximum
stitch length when sewing in forward and in rearward sense.
If this position is not correct, the length of the stitch will be
shortened in one or the other feed direction.
6.2 Electromagnet height setting
Caution! Danger of injury!
Switch off the main switch! Before starting the
setting operation, wait until the motor stops!
- Set the maximum stitch length.
- Set the position of the electromagnet (2) against the
midpoint of the grooves (1) of the guard (3).
- Mount the guard (3) on the head (the bar must have a
clearance between the stop on the backtacking lever and
the extreme top position at least of 0,5 mm).
- The backtacking lever (4) is to be shifted into its bottom
position (the bar (5) is to be in contact with the backtacking
lever (4) ).
6.3 Setting the position of push-buttons
Caution! Danger of injury!
Switch off the main switch! Before starting the
setting operation, wait until the motor stops!
- By loosening the screws (1), it is possible to set the height
of the push-button holder.
6.4 Change of the function of push-buttons
The Function of the push-buttons can be changed in
accordance with the possibilities given by the stopmotor (see
instruction for use of stopmotor).