These settings can be restored both for all ballasts con-
nected to that line and for a single ballast. Restoring of the
settings does not imply the reset of the ballast address.
The visible result of the factory setting restoring is the
switching on of the lamps at the bus failure default level,
typically at 100%.
Once the ballasts have been random addressed, it can be
useful to reorder the assigned addresses in order to simpli-
fy the supervision and the management of the installed bal-
Each ballast can be managed in order to change it previ-
ously assigned address to a new desired value (always in
the range 1 to 32).
For each address, the program shows a line similar to the
following one:
The button 0 allows to switch off the ballast with the ad-
dress specified in the gray text box (1 in this example)
while the button I allows the switching on; this function is
useful to see where the ballast addressed as 1 (in this ex-
ample) is physically located. In the white text box the new
desired address must be entered (23 in this example) for
the ballast whose current address is 1.
The execution of the mapping procedure (pressing the but-
ton Start) will take place only for the ballasts selected by
the related checkbox. A timer icon will inform that the oper-
ation is running. At the end of the procedure, the normal
mouse icon will be restored. The time require by the map-
ping procedure is about 1sec per ballast.
If the procedure has not been successfully executed, a
warning message will be shown; in this case follows these
click on the button “Recover” to remove the address of
each ballast for which the mapping procedure has not
been successfully completed
address again the ballasts without address selecting
as starting address a free value followed by a suffi-
cient number of free addresses (see the Status TAB)
execute again the mapping procedure
The correctness of the changes made can be checked by
switching on and off the ballasts using the buttons identified
as 0 (off) and I (on).
The two big buttons 0 and I on the left side allow to switch
off and to switch on all the ballasts connected to that line.
The buttons Select (select all) and Deselect (deselect all)
and Reset (restore the address value in the consecutive or-
der) complete this tab.
s.r.l. - Via Longhena, 4 - 20139 MILANO
Tel. 02/57300377 - Fax 02/55213686 –
Rel.: 2.4 October 2017
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Figure 3: Configuration Panel