Step 1
Cut recess into wall or panelling.
For exact dimensions refer to xing
template (enclosed), ensuring that the correct
cutting line is used corresponding to Mounting
Options 1, 2 or 3 below
When raised the toilet’s lid and
seat must not obstruct the
Wave unit in any way
Step 2
Install mounting frame and bridging tunnel
(if required) into wall recess.
See mounting options below
Mounting Option 1
Mounting frame only. Install mounting frame
directly to wall.
Mounting Option 3
Mounting frame with bridging tunnel.
Tunnel is used to clamp mounting frame to
wall and provide an internal service aperture
as shown. Tunnel must be cut to a depth
slightly less than the wall thickness to allow
for clamping.
Longer screws may be required for
larger wall thicknesses (not included).
Mounting Optio
n 2
Mounting frame with bridging tunnel. Tunnel
is used to clamp mounting frame to wall and
provide a bridging service aperture as shown.
Tunnel must be cut to required depth.