- set the leaf delay time and/or auto closing time
- make adjustment of the strength of the towing power of
servomotors with potentiometers FORCE 1 i 2
- conduct the learning (in the simplified mode, p. 5.5 or in
extended mode p. 5.6)
- check the correctness of operation and if necessary repeat
the programming
5.1. LEARN button
LEARN button is used in learning procedure (p. 5.5
and 5.6) and to confirm changes in the settings of the
potentiometers (p. 5.3).
DIP-SWICH (fig.3) allows turn on or turn off individual
functions easily and make changes in the operational mode of the control unit. The changes of settings are
immediate after switching and do not require additional confirmation
We can perform the following settings in this group:
PHOTO-TEST turned on (ON) or turned off (OFF). Turning on causes photocells barrier testing right before the
beginning of the servomotor movement. This function protects against engaging the servomotor when the
photocell underwent the breakdown what could lead to dangerous situation. Testing the crash barrier is
conducted only right before initiating the move of the servomotor, never in sleeping mode. Turning on the
function of the phototest causes no disorders in the work of the control unit when the photocell is repeatedly
disturbed in sleeping mode (e.g. by animals or playing
children). Phototest won't be conducted in the event when
the move of the servomotor is a result of switching the
direction as a result of disturbing the photocell.
OVER-PUSHING start of the servomotor with the maximum
power turned on (ON) or turned off (OFF).
PRE-FLASHING preliminary, five-second signalling of the
lamp before the move of the gate turned on (ON) or turned off
BLINKING LAMP controlling with lamp without the contact
breaker built in (ON) or with lamp with its own contact breaker
(OFF). The lamp without the contact breaker allows to use the
additional signalling of the state of the gate by lamp flickering
with different time intervals.
OUTC-BIST allows for the work of the additional channel in
bistable mode (ON) or monostable 4 seconds (OFF).
5.2.2. DIP-SWITCH MODE section
It is used to set one of eight modes of the control unit
operation. Depending on the needs the most suitable mode
should be chosen after prior analysis of the settings MODE table (p. 5.4 ). In order to avoid possible irregularities in
action of controlling equipment adjust the mode when the state of control unit is “closed". After the change of
operational mode of the control unit it is good to turn off the power supply for few seconds which results in control
unit restart.
5.3. FORCE 1, FORCE 2, MOTOR DELAY and AUTO CLOSE control potentiometers
After the change of the any set parameter with the help of the potentiometer LED LEARN diode will start
flickering announcing the need to approve changes with short pressing the LEARN button. Only after such
confirmation control unit changes the settings. During the change of the given parameter, a speed of
pulsing of LED LEARN diode changes what gives some idea of the value of the adjusted parameter.
Rysunek 3.
Fig. 4.