Current Config
This field reports the last loaded configuration number. Note that for the
Palladium transmitter, changes applied after the configuration has been
loaded are saved immediately into the current configuration.
If the AES scrambling option has been purchased for the system in use,
then it is possible to encrypt the link. Scrambling must be enabled at the
transmitter by selecting AES in the scrambling field. At this point the user
will need to ensure that the correct key is in use and this is done by using
Options/Write AES key. The key is 128 bits and is entered as 32 ASCII
hexadecimal characters (0-9 and A-F).
Video Locked (Status Only)
This status information indicates whether the transmitter is successfully
locked to the incoming composite video signal. Unlocked status may
indicate cabling faults, or poor quality incoming video feeds to the unit.
Software Version (Status Only)
This status information describes the version of the software running the
transmitter product.
FPGA Version (Status Only)
Engineering use only.
Serial Number (Status Only)
This status information is the electronic serial number of the transmitter
PCB. This number can be used for upgrades or support.
Chaining (Status Only)
Future use.
(Ch. No.)
Default values are shown in red.