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Product Description
Characteristics of Product
Delvotest® Fast Go Max
, gives you quantitative assessment by capturing and analyzing
images of lateral flow immunochromatography. When the Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT)
device is inserted into the tray, an internal camera captures and saves the image, and data
is automatically collected to be converted to a graphical analysis. Accurate and reliable
rapid diagnosis is possible since this product provides quantitative analysis through highly
sensitive image analysis based on LED and the high quality image sensor. Convenient
management of patient information is also possible by saving and transporting patient
information through a USB port. And the system provides printing function using built-in
thermal printer and network printer, you can print out test result through this function.
Intuitive user interface using touch pad controller with 10
color LCD makes it easy to
access and use.
Main Features
Quantitative analysis of various applications for POCT
Remote access for support
1D Barcode support
Convenient Features
Data management
Data printing
User management
Patient record management