Last updated: February 2008
DSE srl - Via Cigna 64, 10152 Turin, Italy
Tel. +39.011.850711 Fax +39.011.2472675 E-mail: Web [email protected]: www.dseitalia.it
It will overlay the written REC. Press the record button to stop recording. The program will
automatically create a folder C: \ MVS and will save the file in compressed AVI format so that
it can play with any player such as Windows Media Player.
- The rotation button allows you to rotate
- The rotation button allows you to rotate
the image 90 degrees clockwise with each click.
the image 90 degrees clockwise with each click.
- This button gives access to the
- This button gives access to the
The video server configuration section that will be discussed in the next chapter.
Video conference
- Having at least 2 video
Video conference
- Having at least 2 video
servers you can make high-quality two-way video conferencing.
pane on the left you will see the camera image directly connected to the video
server is called LOCAL. In the right pane, you can
select one of the three external video server that can be set in the configuration (see
below) or enter an address manually. Top buttons are available to enable the audio and to
rotate the image, the lower buttons for the possible registration of the RECORD / STOP
videoconferencing. SETTING different are available for recording that let you specify the
hard disk space to devote to register (Reserve Space), the duration of each
file (Max. Length file), and the location and
naming of the files. Ticking CYCLE RECORDING, at the end of the reserved space, the
system will continue recording over the oldest files. TimeStamp Sync to synchronize the
playback picture with the recording time.
Recording Setting
- Here you can set the
Recording Setting
- Here you can set the
folder where the clips are saved registered with the Manual Recording button (see above)
and also the suffix to be used in the naming of
Direct input (Local Source) and 3 external videoservers (External source)