Last updated: February 2008
DSE srl - Via Cigna 64, 10152 Turin, Italy
Tel. +39.011.850711 Fax +39.011.2472675 E-mail: Web [email protected]: www.dseitalia.it
Package Contents
Video Server MVS-14 12VDC
power supply
CAT5 network cable for connection to HUB cable minijack / RCA for
audio CD with software and manual.
hardware Connections
Connection to the LAN
- The first thing to
Connection to the LAN
- The first thing to
to do is connect the video server to the LAN. Typically this is done by connecting to a hub of
the network. To connect to a hub using CAT5 cable supplied with the video server. If instead
of a LAN network, you want to connect directly to a single PC network card, you must use a
crossover CAT5 cable also said CROSSOVER (not supplied)
Video Input Connection
- The video signal
Video Input Connection
- The video signal
from the camera it must be connected to the BNC VIDEO IN Video Server. You are using a
video cable with male BNC terminals. If the video cable used has RCA connectors will need
an RCA / BNC adapter. E 'can connect any composite video signal from cameras, video
recorders, TV etc.
video output connection
- If you wish
video output connection
- If you wish
conducting the camera video signal to another even in the video server downstream
equipment, eg. an analog monitor or VCR, you can use the VIDEO OUT of video servers. It
is used as the input, one video cable with BNC male terminals.
audio Connection
- If the camera is equipped with
audio Connection
- If the camera is equipped with
audio you can connect the camera audio output to the audio in the video server. And 'it
provided for this adapter cable minijack
The entrance
(MONO) to be connected to the yellow
RCA connector.
- Once in place for
- Once in place for
LAN, audio and video can power the video server by connecting the 12VDC power supply
provided to the power grid.
Signaling LED
- The two side LED
Signaling LED
- The two side LED
LAN RJ45 connector allow you to check the status of the video server. The top LED
(POWER) lights red to supply the unit. The bottom LED (NET), lights up when the LAN
connection. If the lower LED does not ignite within 10 seconds after the LAN cable
connection, check the HUB functionality and operation of connecting to the network cable.
The network LED assumes the following states: ON RED: Connected Network
FLASHING RED: Network activity in progress FLASHING GREEN: Output data
SLOW FLASHING GREEN: Network not connected.
Prepare your PC for
Once the hardware installation work performed moves on one of the PCs connected to the
network for the connection to the video server. Typically a PC with updated operating system
is already able to connect no preliminary work. We remind you that the following components
must be installed on the PC used for the connection:
ActiveX Components
- The MVS-14 video server
ActiveX Components
- The MVS-14 video server
It uses ActiveX components to be able to send pictures
to the
Internet Explorer. These
components are installed automatically in occasion of the first connection. It is necessary
that your PC has the ActiveX components of windows version 9 or higher. To check the
component version of DirectX installed on your computer you can use the appropriate
diagnostic utility included with Windows. Press START / RUN and type dxdiag.exe. Press
OK to start the program and wait for the completion of the audit. In the bottom of the first
screen you will show the installed version of DirectX files. If the version is less than 9, you
must upgrade the operating system.
Xvid MPEG4 Codec -
The MVS-14 video server uses MPEG4 compression in video
Xvid MPEG4 Codec -
The MVS-14 video server uses MPEG4 compression in video
transmission. An updated PC should already have an MPEG4 codec (DivX, etc. ffdshow).
Alternatively you can download the codec from the website: www.
Alternatively you can download the codec from the website: www.
Alternatively you can download the codec from the website: www.
Macromedia Flash Player
- Some elements
Macromedia Flash Player
- Some elements
Graphical interface of the video server using a common player in most websites:
Macromedia Flash Player. If you have visited in the past, an Internet site that was using this
player, it will be automatically installed. In the opposite case, you can install it for free by
visiting www.macromedia.com website.
Internet Explorer Browser
- An integral part of the
Internet Explorer Browser
- An integral part of the
Windows operating system
COM connector / GPIO
On the front of the MVS-14 is a plug Mini-DIN 9-pin (connector not supplied) that can be
used for the following functions:
RS485 serial line
- for
RS485 serial line
- for
the command of
motorized speed dome cameras
RS232 serial line
- when unused
RS232 serial line
- when unused
relay input
- Alarm input to which it is
relay input
- Alarm input to which it is
You can connect a Normally Open contact and with it being able to generate an alarm
relay output
- Can be operated remotely with software
relay output
- Can be operated remotely with software
SCB-IP or motion detection / external input.