Section 3: Receiver Programming
Enrollment consists of programming the device’s Electronic Serial Number (ESN) into the TR5164 so
that it can be identified when an event is communicated. The ESN is located on the back of each
wireless device.
When programming via hardwired keypad, wireless key programming sections 001-064
and 101-116 only accept 6 digits. To program 8-digit ESNs, only use the last 6 digits.
This section describes how to enroll and program:
• wireless devices using zones
• wireless keys
For more information on these devices, read the instruction sheet included with each device.
3.1 TR5164 LEDs
The TR5164 features three LEDs to help with the installation of devices and troubleshoot the operation
of the unit. In normal operation, the LEDs indicate if the signal received is from an enrolled device.
• The green LED flashes when receiving a signal from an enrolled device.
• The red LED flashes when receiving a signal from a non-enrolled device.
• The yellow LED flashes when interference is detected.
Alternatively, when the panel is in placement test mode, the green LED only flashes for the specific
serial number entered. All other signals (including signals from valid enrolled devices) flash red.
3.2 Enroll the Wireless Keypad
During initial power up of the alarm panel, a 2-minute window is established for enrolling the wireless
keypad (indicated by flashing AC Power and Ready LEDs). If the enrollment window expires, power
down the panel then power up again to re-open.
To enroll a keypad:
1. Power up alarm system.
2. Power up keypad. After a few seconds, “Hold [1] and [
] to Enroll Keypad” is displayed on the
3. Press the [
] and [1] keys simultaneously to enroll the keypad. “WFKP Enrollment Successful” is
If the “Failed to Enroll” message is displayed, perform the following:
• Retry the enrollment.
• Reposition the keypad closer to the control panel.
• Verify that the READY and POWER LED indicators are flashing on the panel. If not, disconnect
the panel from AC and DC power sources then reconnect.
• Check for RF interference.
3.3 Quick Enroll Wireless Devices/Keypads
1. Enter [
][8][Installer Code][898]. The following is displayed: “Wireless Enrollment Mode.”
2. Activate the device as indicated below.
• Keypad: Press the [
] and [1] keys simultaneously.
• Wireless key: Press any key to activate.
• Detectors (PIR, Smoke, Glass break): Press the Tamper button.
• Repeater: Press the Tamper button. Note: Ensure that dip switch 3 on the repeater is in the off
position before quick enrolling a repeater.
3. The Electronic Serial Number (ESN) is displayed on the keypad. Press [
] to confirm the ESN. If
the ESN is incorrect, press [#] then repeat step 2.