4. For each of the 4 function buttons, enter the 2-digit number of the
function you want to select. See the programming worksheets for a list of
function key options.
5. Record your programming choices in the worksheets in the back of the
6. To exit press [#].
3.4 Identified Wireless Keys
Reporting by the system of openings/closings by individual wireless keys and
command output [
][7] activation by wireless key buttons may be supported on
certain control panels. To do this, the system will reserve access codes 17 – 32
for wireless keys 01-16 respectively. You must program one access code for
each wireless key (using [
][5] access code programming) for this feature to
work correctly.
NOTE: Program these access codes on the system after you have connected
the PC5132-RS to the Keybus (see section 2.4).
Refer to your system Installation Manual for information on access code
Opening/Closing By Wireless Key Reporting
NOTES: The Identified Wireless Key Closing option is only available with the
PC5010 v2.0, PC5008 v2.0 and higher by turning section [015] option 4 off.
The Identified Wireless Key Opening option is only available with the PC1555
v2.1, PC580 v2.1, PC5008 v2.1 and higher, PC5015 v2.2 and higher by turning
section [017] option 1 off.
To enable the reporting of
closings by identified wireless keys:
• Make sure the control panel is v2.0 or higher
• Program a valid access code for each key
• Program a closing reporting code for each key’s access code
• Disable the
Quick Arm
option in section [015] option [4]
To enable the reporting of
openings by identified wireless keys:
• Make sure the control panel is v2.1 or higher
• Program a valid access code for each key
• Program an opening reporting code for each key’s access code
• Enable the
WLS Key Uses Access Codes
by turning section [017] option
[1] off.
Command Output Activation
NOTE: The Identified Wireless Key Command Output Activation feature is only
available with the PC5010, PC1555 and PC580 v2.0 and higher.
To enable command output activation by wireless keys, ensure that:
• Make sure the control panel is v2.0 or higher
• Program a valid access code for each key
• Enable the PGM output attribute
Requires Access Code
for each PGM
output programmed as [
][7][1-4] in sections [141] to [154].