15. If you have a manual damper installed, before loading coal, open damper and let open until coal
gases have escaped.
16. When installing a barometric damper, adjust barometric damper to 0.06 - 0.08 inches water column
draft reading at furnace. This service is provided by a certified chimney sweep.
17. Regularly check the fit on the load and ash doors. They must fit tightly. If it does not, check for
deterioration or wear of the ceramic rope seal and door hardware. Replace defective seals
and hardware.
18. Inspect and clean your chimney and single wall chimney connectors regularly.
19. In the event of a chimney fire, shut all draft controls and blower off. Call your fire department
immediately. Alert everyone in the house. If flue is still burning vigorously, throw baking soda into fire
box or discharge a fire extinguisher into fire box. After the chimney fire is over, have a certified
chimney sweep complete a level 2 chimney inspection, before farther use of the chimney.
20. With new steel there is a small amount of oil or dirt on the metal. You may smell the odor. This is
normal during the first operation. You may want to assemble the furnace out of doors and build a
small fire in it to “BURN OFF” this dirt and oil before installing unit.
21. Equip your home with fire extinguishers, carbon monoxide and smoke detectors.
22. Do not burn garbage, gasoline or any other flammable liquids in this furnace.
23. Do not burn furnace over 600 degrees Fahrenheit or warranty will be void!
Energy Max Annual Maintenance - After each heating season
1. Clean out firebox and ash pan area.
2. Remove firebrick on right side and clean heat exchanger area.
3. Replace any cracked or broken firebrick - very important! If this is not followed your stove is at risk
for warping and may void your warranty.
4. Clean out above cast iron baffle in the top of fire box.
5. Check grates and shaker handle for wear or warping. Replace if necessary. Check for any loose
hardware on doors, door latches and shaker handle. Tighten or replace as needed. Check all
gaskets on fire and ash doors for deterioration or tears, replace where necessary. Also check seal of
doors by closing doors on a piece of paper. If you can move the piece of paper between door frame
and gasket, replace door gasket. Clean inside of single wall chimney connectors and chimney at
least once annually (in Spring). For longer life of your single wall chimney connectors, disconnect
from stove, oil inside with vegetable oil and store in attic during the summer months.
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