Installation Instructions for Pool Cover with Dryco
Drain on Above Ground Pools
Remove the eyeball diverter from the inlet water return
Separate the union that is attached to the hose and screw
it in the bulkhead. An adapter will be needed for the
bulkhead fittings other than the 1-1/2” female threads.
Assure that the o-ring is installed on the union as shown.
Tighten until o-ring is seated and sealed.
Before stretching the cover over the pool, connect the
hose with the union to pool inlet.
Make sure the o-ring
seal remains seated in the union.
Union must have a
watertight seal to prevent loss of any pool water.
Install the cover as normal. Make sure that the drain hose is aligned with the outlet. Twisting the cover may be
required to assure proper alignment.
The hose should drop down toward the bottom of the pool. If the flexible pipe has twisted while being installed, loosen
the union to adjust. The union must be tightened completely to assure a proper seal.