Instructions for use ST4D 2G / ST4D 2G PLUS
Drive Medical GmbH & Co. KG | As per: 04.05.2020 | Errors and alterations excepted
• Use a ramp to load the scooter. If necessary, you can
also lift the scooter over a step or the like. At least two
people are needed to do this. Lift the scooter only at
fixed parts of the frame, in the front and rear under the
cladding. For safety reasons, the scooter may be lifted
only WITHOUT the user.
• Do NOT remain seated in your scooter when the scooter
is being transported in a vehicle. Always secure your
scooter and use a seat in the vehicle.
Exception: Taking your scooter with you in public trans-
port buses.
Ensure that the electric scooter is switched off and
stored with the battery removed and the charging unit
unplugged. Store the electric scooter in areas protected
from direct sunlight, water, and humidity.
Cleaning | Disinfection
• Clean regularly with a moist cloth!
• Do not use any aggressive cleaning agents!
• Do not use abrasive cleaners!
• Do not use any high-dose chlorine and vinegar-based
• To disinfect, a spray disinfectant can be used such as
Descosept AF or Bacillol AF.
• Check the screws regularly and tighten, if necessary.
• The product must not be continuously exposed to
temperatures over 60°C.
• In the event of defects, contact your specialist dealer
from whom you purchased this product.
• Do not use any petroleum ether, solutions or evapo-
rating solutions since these could damage body parts.
• Ensure that the charging unit was removed and that
the electric scooter is switched off before you clean it.
• Do not park your electric scooter under wet or damp
conditions since this leads to mold growth and a rapid
deterioration of the cushioned parts.
Electric scooter cannot
be switched on
Batteries not connected
Circuit breaker/overload switch was triggered
Check battery connection
Press circuit breaker to reset
Electric scooter can be
switched on but does
not drive
Defective batteries
Charging unit is inserted
Motor is in neutral
Charge/replace battery
Remove charging unit from the electric
Put neutral lever into “Drive”
Electric scooter drives
Weak batteries
Speed is set to low
Charge battery
Select higher speed
The seat moves during
The seat is not properly snapped into place
Rotate the seat slowly until it snaps
into place and is secured (see section
entitled "Seat”).
The steering column
appears to be loose or
does not freely swivel
The fixing screws for the steering column are
Tighten the fixing screws for the steering
Horn sounds
unintentionally or
The electric scooter has diagnosed an error
Ensure that the control lever is not
operated and switch the electric scooter
off and on.
Charge the batteries if the problem