user manual
10.5. Optimization of B+M and M modes
10.5.1. Graph drawing speed selection in M mode
In order to activate B+M mode press [B+M Mode] button. The submenu will appear over the button, where you
can select graph drawing speed in M mode. Available values: 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s.
10.5.2. Setting the cutting line in B+M / M modes
Setting the cutting line is based on B mode image. In order to change its position only need to move it in the
right place using your finger.
10.5.3. Switching between M and B+M modes
After pressing [B+M mode] button new submenu will appear, where on the top there is [M/B+M] button. It is
used for switching between B+M and M modes.
10.6. Imaging with the function of color Doppler
The color Doppler function allows viewing the blood vessel flow with the background image in B-mode in real
time. The blood flow is coded by the color depending on its direction. The red color corresponds to the stream
flowing to the head of the probe. Blue color means the reverse direction.
By double click on color bar (Fig. 13, no 1) reverse colors option is activated (stream flowing
to the head of the probe will be coded with blue color, red color means the reverse direction).
10.6.1. Starting color Doppler imaging
Remember that preparing patient to examination has great influence on results. Use of an appropriate amount
of gel is essential for obtaining a good result.
Before starting Doppler function you should find the clearest image of the organ in B-Mode, showing the
vessels. Too high Gamma and Gain setting the image in B-Mode will have a negative influence on the quality of
the Doppler image.
In order to start this mode you should click [Doppler] button in the mode panel.
The screen will show the active panel managing the Color Doppler function and Doppler frame.
10.6.2. Switching between the Doppler modes: Color, Power, Pulse Wave; Doppler mode OFF