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X80SV is designed and built on X80 robot base, featuring high resolution Pan-Tilt-Zoom camera.
Key Features
High resolution Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera with two-way audio capability
Two 12V motors with over 300oz.-inch (22kg.cm) torque each
Fully wireless networked 802.11g
OS independent application development tools
Max speed of 1 m/sec
128x64 graphic LCD, Display image, message or sensor data
Collision detection sensors include 3 Ultrasonic range sensors and 7 IR range sensors
2 Pyroelectric Human Motion Sensors
Comprehensive circuit protection
Max payload 10 kg (optional 40 kg) with robot weight of 3 kg
Dimension 38cm (L) x 35cm (W) x 28cm (H)
Extended operating time. 3 hours nominal operation time for each recharging
Upgrade options:
Supplementary sonar sensors, temperature sensors, acceleration/tilting sensor, or customized
sensors can be added.
Vision-landmark base indoor localization (indoor GPS, position/orientation) sensor and the
landmarks together provide precise position and direction information covering every inch of the
Laser scanner.
Power and battery systems for 6-hour operation time are available.