The Hammers within the Shredding Chamber can tug suddenly at material fed into the Shredder Hopper. Do not hold on tightly
to branches and vines, and do not feed material straight down into the Hopper with your arm pointing downward toward the
opening. Instead, keep your arms parallel to the ground and several inches above the top edge of
the Hopper.
Using the Shredder Hopper
The Shredder Hopper can process hard wood branches up to1/2" in diameter and softer organic material up to 2-3/8” in
diameter. You can shred most organic materials. A Guard (flap) is attached to the Hopper. You must push material past this
flap (using a branch if necessary) in order to enter the main Shredding Chamber where revolving steel Hammers do the
Due to the wide variety of materials that you can shred, and their very different physical characteristics, only feed limited
quantities of any material into the Shredder Hopper at first. Increase the amount and length of material if you find that the
material is processing without any difficulty. Your judgment and operator experience is very important.
Be sure not to overload the machine by feeding too much material into the Hopper at one time. If you hear the speed of the
Engine decreasing, stop feeding material into the machine at once. Do not resume feeding the machine until the Engine has
returned to full speed.
You can feed several small branches into the Shredder Hopper at once providing their combined diameter is less than 1/2".
Cut branches so they are shorter than (3) feet to make them more manageable.
Allow green materials to dry before processing or alternate processing and discharging green/wet materials with dry materials
to avoid clogging. If wet materials begin to clog, shred a stick to clear the material through. The shredding capacity is 1/2"
hard woody material. For clearing a clog, you can intermittently shred a larger stick up to 1" diameter.
Leaves Flowers Corn Stalks
Soil Palm
clippings Garden
Potato vines
Straw and Hay
Hedge clippings
Tomato vines
Kitchen Waste
Small branches