3. Operating Controls
a. Select M)onitor from the main menu.
b. Select C)ontrols from the Monitor submenu. The
status of the control points will be displayed. (See
Fig. 21).
c. Select the desired control point (1 or 2).
d. Press the key that corresponds to the desired mode
(Table J). The new control point status will be dis-
You can now select another control function or press
<Esc> once to return to the Monitor menu or twice
to return to the main menu.
4. Displaying Net Dog Status
a. Select M)onitor from the main menu.
b. Select S)ystem from the Monitor menu. The current
status of the system will be displayed. (See Fig. 22)
These status points can only be observed by moni-
toring at the configuration port.
c. You can now select another control function or press
<Esc> to return to the main menu.
Ping Section
The Ping section allows you to activate manual pings
and to view ping status. This same function can be acti-
vated from the Edit/Ping Info submenu. (See Table G)
1. Select P)ing from the main menu.
2. Enter the address ID (1 through 32) you wish to
ping <Enter>. Fig. 22 shows an example of pinging
address ID 1.
Note: 1-32 are shortcuts for defined IP entries or
any full IP address. For example, 3 = 3rd address in
IP address table (See. Fig. 15)
3. The device will be pinged repeatedly and the result
of each ping will be displayed on the screen (see
Fig. 23).
OK = device responding
NOK (error code) = device not responding.
(See Table K for error codes).
4. Press any key to stop pinging.
5. Enter another pinged device number or press <Esc>
to return to the main menu.
Fig. 21 - To operate control point relays, select
C)ontrols from the M)onitor menu.
Table J - Control Point Operating Modes
Operate - turn the relay on
until released (latch the relay).
Release - Turn off a latched relay.
Momentary - turn the relay on briefly
and then automatically release it.
Fig. 22 - To view the status of the system status
points, select S)ystem from the M)onitor submenu.
Fig. 23 - To manually ping a device,
select P)ing from the main menu.
Fail Code
endpoint address not available
ARP table is full
invalid interface number
invalid ping response
interface is closed
network is down, i.e. send failed
out of DCUs, i.e. packets
stack has not been initialized
operation timed out
Table K - Fail Codes
May 5, 2000