May 5, 2000
Software Configuration
Local Connection
Connect a PC running terminal emulation software to
COM1 on back of the Net Dog (Fig. 7). Set your serial
port to match the data rate and word format currently
defined for the Net Dog’s COM1 (factory default is
9600, n, 8, 1). Connect to the Net Dog and enter
‘DPSCFG’ to activate the configuration menu.
Remote Connection (Dial Up)
Set up a PC running TTY terminal emulation soft-
ware to dial the Net Dog’s modem. When a connection
is established (sometimes accompanied by receipt of a
hex byte), enter ‘DPSCFG’ to activate the configuration
LAN Connection
In order to utilize the 10BaseT port on the Net Dog,
it must first be pre-provisioned using a remote terminal
(either dial up through the modem or directly connected
to Com 1). The LAN minimum configuration requires
setting the unit address (IP) and the subnet mask. Use of
a WAN requires that the default gateway be set.
Edit Section
Note: Menu Selection Hot Keys - The letter before a
parentheses right bracket ) or enclosed in parentheses ( )
is a hot key. When you type the hot key, you are taken to
that submenu. Most menus are two layers deep. Pressing
the <Esc> key brings you back to the previous level.
From the bottom level, pressing <Esc> twice returns to
the top menu.
1. Edit the System Information
Perform the following steps to configure your Net
Dog. If you change a field, the change is made when
you press <Enter>.
Table A - System Submenu Fields
Fig. 8 - To begin configuration, select E)dit from the
main menu, then s(Y)stem from the E)dit submenu.
Community Name for SNMP TRAPS
User designated name for this Net Dog
Physical location of Net Dog
Person responsible for this Net Dog
Community Name for SNMP requests
Community Name for SNMP SET requests
Fig. 9 - to change the value of the Name field, select
N)ame and type in the desired information.
Fig. 10 - To edit the Ethernet port parameters,
select E)Port from the P)orts submenu.
Select E)dit from the main menu.
b. Select s(Y)stem from the Edit submenu. The current
system field values will be displayed. The prompt
line at the bottom of the screen lists the hot keys for
each field. (Fig. 8) The field meanings are given in
Table A.
c. Select the field you want and make the changes.
Figure 9 shows an example of changing the Name
d. Press
e. When you finish changing fields, press <Esc>.
2. Edit the Ethernet Port Parameters
a. Select P)orts from the System submenu.
b. Select E)Port from the Ports submenu. The current
E)port field values will be displayed. The prompt
line at the bottom of the screen lists the hot keys for
each field. (See Fig. 10)