May 5, 2000
9. Save Changes
To make changes effective, select N)Vram, then
W)rite from the main menu. (See Fig. 18)
Note: Selecting N)Vram and then W)rite saves the full
configuration into memory.
10. Restart
Power down and power up Net Dog so it can do a
full system restart.
This resets the network stack. Now Net Dog can use
the new Ethernet settings.
1. Monitoring Alarms
a. Select M)onitor from the main menu.
b. Select A)larms from the Monitor submenu. The cur-
rent status of the eight discrete alarm points will be
displayed. (See Fig. 19)
c. You can now select another monitor function or
press <Esc> to return to the main menu.
2. Displaying Pinged Device Status
a. Select M)onitor from the main menu.
b. Select P)ing Info from the Monitor menu. The
current status of the first 16 pinged devices will be
displayed. (Fig. 20). Press <Tab> to view the next
16 devices.
c. You can now select another monitor function or
press <Esc> to return to the main menu.
T (8 sec)
C (1 min)
Note: default times shown
F (5 min)
Fig. 17 - When a target fails to respond to a ping
within the fail time period, a fault is declared.
Fig. 18 - To make changes effective, select
N)Vram, then W)rite from the main menu.
Table I - N)Vram Submenu Fields
Dumps RAM (For DPS Tech)
Saves configuration to NVRAM
Overwrites existing operating configuration
with last configuration “written” to NVRAM
Fig. 19 - To view alarm status, select A)larms from
the M)onitor menu.
Fig. 20 - To view the status of pinged devices,
select P)ing Info from the M)onitor menu.
Monitor Section
You can connect a PC running terminal emulation
software to the configuration port and monitor alarms,
operate controls, display status of pinged devices and
display status of the Net Dog.