2.3.5 T/MonXM Connection
1). Connect communication wires from an RJ12 connection on the back panel of the T/MonXM. (See
figure 2.3.7a)
2). From the RJ12 connection, connect the communication wires to the 4 position barrier plug of the
Wire 1 = O/W Tx+, Wire 2 = W/O Tx-, Wire 5 = W/B Rx-, and Wire 6 = B/W Rx+. (See figure 2.3.7b
and table D)
3). Tie communication wires 1 and 6 together for connection to the positive terminal of the GLD and tie
wires 2 and 5 together for connection to the negative terminal of the GLD.
Note: T/MonXM version 3.5E and above is required for GLD support. T/MonXM must have the card
with the RS485 port to connect the GLD.
Fig. 2.3.7a - Communication lines between the T/MonXM and GLD
Fig. 2.3.7b - RJ12 pins to GLD
Table D - RJ12 pinout information
RJ12 Pinout GLD Comm terminal
1 Positive (+)
2 Negative (-)
5 Negative (-)
6 Positive (+)