The following can be done using the window “Parameters”:
selection of the serial port to which the device is connected;
setting extra waiting time of device’s reply which may be necessary when additional
devices (radio modems, protocol convertors etc.) are present in the information channel (between the
device and personal computer);
selection of the program’s mode of operation with the device; operation with individual
device is fulfilled in the mode of requests using the broadcast address, i.e. without indicating the net
address of the device; interrogation of the specified address is necessary when selection of a single
device is needed from the functioning system or installation.
D.2.1.2 Information
Information panel is located in the upper part of the main window to the left from the
“PARAMETERS” button.
The following is displayed on the information panel:
in the course of the device preparation for measurements – message banners related to the
device preparation for switching to operating mode;
in the course of measurements – measurement result of the “default” measured quantity;
in case of failures during data exchange with PC – information on errors.
The following messages may be displayed on the information panel in different situations when
failures occur during data exchange:
“COM-port error” – probably the non-existent port was selected or port is busy by another
program; recommended actions – select correct port or release port by shutting down the concurrent
“No reply” – this message appears when the device is not connected or the conversion mode
of the matching device (RS-232 to RS-485/RS-422) is incorrect;
“Read error” – probably in the broadcast request mode several devices answer
simultaneously, it is recommended to switch to request mode with specific net address or, working in
the broadcast request mode, disconnect from the data way all devices except the one you need.
Measuring data” panel
As a rule, “Measuring data” panel contains several lines, each of which contains:
name of measured quantity “Measurand”;
measurement unit of the measured quantity “Unit”;
current reading, measurement result “Result”;
measurement interval “Time, s”;
error of the measurement result “Measurement uncertainty”.
In the upper part of the panel the following buttons are located:
“Set current algorithm” – for selection of the quantity to be measured by default by the
device. Measurement result for the measured quantity will be displayed on the information panel. On
the “Measurement information” panel corresponding line will be highlighted in color;
“Restart measurement F5” – for initiating new measurement cycle for certain measured
“Restart all F4” – for initiating new measurement cycles for all measured quantity.
Device status” panel
On the “Device status” panel the information is displayed with regard to current state of the
device and other device specific information:
readiness of the device for measurement;
different errors which occurred during the device operation;
results of comparison of the measured values with preset thresholds, etc.